Cursed To Die

"Ah well, he is a great guy to work with, especially for rookies like myself. He is very strict in his work ethics, something you do not really get to see on-screen. I admire him as a senior a lot. And past few months have been a great learning experience," Chen Waan replied with her honest feelings.

Although initially, she did feel that he was too arrogant and rude, she now understood the underlying cause for it. Plus, he was her beloved now. Even if there were faults in him, she had to live with and love them too.

"As expected of our world star. There are many people who would die for such an opportunity. Would you tell our listeners how you even started on this job?"

"Ah! Well, it was purely by luck. I was casted on the streets. I joined WhirlWind as a trainee but Senior Mo needed someone with language translation abilities. So, I got to be his secondary manager as I worked as his translator."