Tiny B and Mykisha

Tyrone went to a doctor; human cloning wasn't illegal yet; in fact, it was illegal. On July 31, 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001" (H.R. 2505) by a bi-partisan margin of 265-162 with support from liberal, progressive, conservative, pro-life, and pro-abortion members.


But it was the year 2000, not 2001.


This means that she could be cloned LEGALLY.


Tyrone told the doctor he'd pay him $60,000 to clone Beyoncé.


The Pale-skinned mixed White and African-American Doctor named Jazeel awkwardly snuck into a concert of Beyoncé and took a knife.


While Beyoncé slept in her dressing room, He injected her with something to keep her knocked out for 5 hours, then cut a tiny sliver of her skin off and ran.


Jazeel took it to a lab and worked on trying to create an embryo clone, created 23 babies using routine IVF and injected some of Beyoncé's skin cells Jazeel had left over, but none of the babies looked like baby Beyoncé, so he gave up.


One day, in 2013, Jazeel was approached by Tyrone again.


Tyrone begged him, saying, "I PROMISE I'LL PAY YOU OVER $50,000 to make me Beyoncé's clone!"


April 4, 2008: A Secret Wedding Ceremony

Beyoncé and Jay-Z's 2008 nuptials take the cake in super-secret celebrity weddings.


Yep, A Secret Wedding Ceremony that Tyrone JUST found out about in 2013; he was distraught and felt that he needed that clone or else there would be no chance of him getting... Something, ANYTHING like Beyoncé in his life.


Blinded by the guise of over $50,000, it took three months, but Jazeel created the clone of Beyoncé; Jazeel placed the cloned embryo he developed into a surrogate mother who was 14 years old and black named Mykisha using IVF.


Mykisha has light skin as Beyoncé, the same hair color, same hair type, so the DNA of Mykisha wouldn't ruin the appearance of being close to Beyoncé.


Mykisha grew INCREDIBLY close to the clone; she hatched a secret plan to try and run off with her baby.


Mykisha sat in her room and wrote in her diary:

"I know I'm only 14, but I want to care for MY baby. Momma says I can't, but you know what? She let me be pregnant; I can raise her by myself!"


Mykisha was becoming SUPER possessive of the clone. Mykisha would pop off at Tyrone, argue with him, and shout at him; he never fought her because she was carrying The Clone he wanted so badly he ended up naming "Tiny B."


Tyrone forced Mykisha to give birth at a hospital, a dent in her plans because she wanted to have Tiny B at home and make a run for it with Tiny B.


Tyrone took out Tiny B and looked at her with this weird happy look.

Tyrone ran off as doctors held down Mykisha.


Tiny B grew into a lonely and forcefully secluded child, her owner, Tyrone, knew she wasn't Beyoncé and grew impatient with her, as he knew he'd never get the real thing...


IN THE YEAR OF 2023...


Tiny B was alone with no toys; Tiny B played with crazy juice boxes as she pretended they were dolls.


Tiny B would take pens and write on them to determine gender; Tiny B would use blue ink pens to Mark boy boxes and red ink pins to mark girl boxes because pink was considered lighter than red.


A box that already had the color brown was considered a "black doll," despite being ten years old, it was as if she just ritually applied human qualities to boxes like race and gender.


Also, as a 10-year-old girl, she liked to make the little boys marry the girls and have babies.


Whereas many adults nowadays who were 10-year-old boys don't remember having this obsession with families and their toys, a lot of 10-year-old girls most likely do as a lot of little girls thought of marriage because of Disney and all that in the past, I, myself, included.


A man can look at a 13-year-old girl riding a letter to her future husband about how she wants him to treat her and say, "She's been brainwashed by Christianity!!!" A grown woman could say, "Oh, she wants to get married," and she grows up and "Oh, it's kind of cute how she did that."


It is time to escape the dark theme and take a fun break.


In real life, a White man did this. An Atheist MAN was reacting to a Christian White woman's YouTube channel in his YouTube Video, and she told people that when she was 16, she wrote a letter to her future husband.


The Atheist MAN was appalled that she did this because he thought her Christian parents so brainwashed her as a teenager that instead of partying, she wrote letters to her future husband and prepared for marriage as an adult.


However, preparing for marriage when you grow up isn't a bad thing, since a long time ago, in the past, at one point, 60% of marriages ended up divorced.


The Christian woman had a happy marriage in real life.


The Atheist, A MAN, thought she should be partying instead of doing things like this.


MR. KAREN lets us teens do what we enjoy.

It is as if Mr. Karen ignores the song "Dear Future Husband" by Meghan Trainor.




Back to the story of Tiny B...


Tiny B was making mini-movies in her head; she had big dreams of making movies as a film director.


Tiny B was chubby-cute with chubby cheeks, Tiny B had 4B hair type, and Tiny B had brown hair, brown eyes, and big lips.


Tiny B was wearing a cute pink dress; it went past her feet.


Tiny B got tired, and suddenly, she felt like she didn't even want to be here right now; she didn't want to do what she was doing; she was going to leave her head down and sleep or rest, either.


Tiny B got up and went to sleep in her bed; it had sparkles and a lot of fake sparkles.


In the morning, Tiny B woke up; Tiny B wanted to stay in bed; she felt like nothing would happen today and thought there was no reason to get out of bed.


Tiny B went back to bed.


Due to the 2023 law, clones were not able to get the covid-19 vaccine, due to being clones.


Clones were considered not eligible to stay in homeless shelters and get food from food stamps, and welfare would not pay for them or any cloned children they had.


Tiny B was unprotected by law if she got kidnapped; no one would go looking for her like Native Americans used to call for help from the police whenever their loved ones would go missing and have thousands of unsolved missing cases because it seemed like no one was looking for them, no one would go looking for clones. However, it was publicly acknowledged that clones could NOT be looked for legally.


🍃 One fell swoop of the wind, and you're gone...


Something different from the case of Native Americans, where no one will openly say that they aren't required to look for them because they are necessary to look for them. They don't do it, sometimes...


Clones weren't able to be legally murdered after birth, but they were able to be legally aborted. In contrast, abortion had become illegal in all parts of the US when it came to any non-cloned baby; even babies conceived through rape and incest were considered deserving of Life, and rightfully so, but, unfortunately, clones were not considered meriting of life, and that was wrong.


This was why it was legal to abort one, especially since cloning was illegal. They were very mean to clones and their unborn babies.


Another reason they thought it was legal to abort clones was that they thought clones were not humans, but if the clone was a human clone, then technically, it was a human.


A human clone comes when you clone another human, and it creates a copy of that human's DNA.


That is the clone; the clone's DNA is a copy of the human's DNA, forcing the DNA to have human DNA in it, which causes the clone to be a human.


The only lucky thing was that the clone was understood to be entirely different from the person they were cloned off of... Having a DIFFERENT SOUL AND A DIFFERENT SPIRIT.


Tiny B knew she had no legal rights, and thus, this is how Tyrone kept her under his control, letting her feel like he was her only protector.


Tiny B was taught all non-clones hate all clones, she was taught that everyone that was not a clone wanted to eradicate clones, she was taught that everyone that was not a clone saw clones as abominations; he even told her that there were no other clones but her.


Tiny B was taught that people saw her as an abomination to nature, which goes against the grain of life. Tyrone told her she should only be around him because no one else would like her. After all, they saw her as a crime against nature and God's way of life.


Tyrone even taught her that God would not honor clones or let them into heaven; this keeps her in "his grasp," primarily because he's heard people act this way toward clones. Not all people but some... Unfortunately, there is some grain of Truth to the manipulation he gives.


Tyrone wanted her to believe that not even God wanted her so that she would turn to Tyrone.


Tyrone was sexually abusive; Tyrone groomed her, tried to give her many gifts to make her like him, and taught her many gross and disgusting things that he shouldn't be teaching children.


Tiny B got cupcakes as Tyrone walked around in blue jeans, silently sobbing.


Tyrone wanted somebody to love him, but he never felt loved. That's all Tyrone ever wanted, just to be loved. It'll never justify his horrible actions, however.


Tyrone pushed Tiny B to face down on the floor as she put a cupcake in her mouth, causing the cupcake to smash into her face. Tyrone cried as he yelled, "Clones don't have any feelings; you don't love me!"


Two tiny hearts, one going after the other. These two hearts will follow each other for the rest of their lives. Tiny B was going to go to God, anyway.

To be continued...