Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Title: Promise 


After the incident yesterday my life is returning to normal. I need to train some more, I only have one year until  U.A starts and all of the canon shenanigans begin. By then I must be strong enough to survive, I can't count in a mid-battle power up. 

I arrive at the school locker and I am changing my shoes, Japanese schools are so weird.

Then I sense Mina come towards me with my electricity sense which senses the electrical waves of something's or someone's brain. I have been friends with Mina for so long that I even know her brainwave signal.... she comes close and puts her arm behind my neck and says.

"Hey I heard from Shina -chan and 

Kila -chan that you helped them yesterday."

Wait who even are Shina and Kila... oh she must be talking about the girls that I helped yesterday. 

"Well it was nothing big... after all, I want to become a hero... and my body kind of moved on its own." That last part was a lie because if there was real danger my first instinct would obviously be to run away. But Mina still believes it and she smiles even more wildly.

"Wow if you say something like that it makes you sound already like a real hero. Also, did you know that Kirishima was at the scene when you did your heroic cool stuff, he even apologized to those girls because even though he was there he was too scared to help..."

Wait, did she just say Kirishima?!! I have to make up for my mistake immediately! Oh... I remember now!

In the anime, Kirishima's bacstory... hmm... okay, I need to calmly think about this and how to fix the situation. If he didn't see that Crimson Riot recording again, he might give up becoming a Hero. That is unacceptable...

That will set back my plans so much and there will be many unforeseen events, nothing scares me more than things not going within my general plan. I must be calm in this though, and my mind must be calm on this.


I wait till after school to put my plan into action.

Well, I was going to search for Kirishima but instead, he found me. He looks at me with a slightly nervous look and he seems in low spirits. "Hey, Kaminari can we talk on the rooftop about something..."

Well, the only reason that I have ever gone on the rooftop of this school is to get a confession. I hope this is not like that... even though the chances of it being that is unlikely I still have to prepare for a rejection speech. After all, it never hurts to be prepared, also I am into hot well-developed girls.

And he really looks very different from the anime, he even has black hair. That is the reason why I never noticed him, and I wasn't really looking for him either though. So there is that too...


We just got to the rooftop in complete silence. This is awkward... well I guess I better break the ice… I make a smile on my face and calmly say to Kirishima. "So what did you call me here for Kirishima?"

He looks at me seriously and starts explaining. "I also want to become a hero... so tell me how were you able to go out in front of that guy without fear and a smile when I couldn't even move."

Ok, I already had a speech planned in a scenario like this. I just look at his eyes and clench my hand into a fist just to add to the atmosphere, and say with a furrowed eyebrows and serious voice. "You know Kaminari... at that moment I just smiled to release the pressure of the girls and to trick the fear inside of me."

His eyes widen and he says...


-Eijiro Kirishima POV-

..That is shocking, to say the least… Even he was scared. He is really popular in school as the guy who will definitely become a pro hero... 

Then Denki Kaminari just smiles awkwardly and adds. "Yeah, I guess that is not as amazing as it seemed huh..."

'You are wrong Kaminari. That is even more amazing, to be able to stand and run ahead in front of your fear like that....' As I think that I look at my hand. 

'How do I even compare to someone like that? Maybe I really am not hero material...' I look at the guy who checks every point perfectly to become a hero. Well, what if I ask him… "Tell me Denki... do you really think I could be a hero. I was too scared to even move... I don't think I can be a hero. Even my quirk only lets me harden my body a little... it's not flashy or anything like that..."

God damn it I am about to cry... this is not at all manly...

"You know Kirishima... a hero to me is not someone who is flashy or has a cool and strong quirk... a hero to me is someone who will risk his life to turn his promises into reality..."

As if a lightning bolt hit me I come to a realization… H -He is right... I -I also can become a hero... then a weird overwhelming aura around Denki Kaminari, his eyes are shadowed and he extends his hand towards me and smiles brilliantly..... this... this...

"So Eijiro Kirishima... will you promise me that you will become a hero with me..."

He is right I WILL BECOME A HERO...

I then shake his hand...

"Yes, I promise and swear on my name that I Eijiro Kirishima WILL become a hero..."

I don't know where this road will take me… but I will definitely keep walking in it until I reach my destination.



Hope ya like it~

Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


(32 chapters in advance)