Chapter 28

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[33 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 28

Title: Noobie Hero...


Nighteye looks at Denki as his eyes widen a little in surprise. But he calms down once again and says with a calm voice. "Kaminari -kun… you have amazing potential. But… I have seen your future…"

As he says that Kaminari can easily see that it was something bad. 


Once Nighteye saw that Kaminari could change the future, he was relieved, having hope to save All Might from that gruesome death of his. But...


"So what was it?" Asks Kaminari, his voice and face calm. There is no use panicking over something like that. Plus even the whisper inside of him was being quiet, due to being modeled after his older brother, if he is in danger even the 2nd personality would cooperate.

"I think that you should leave your hero career behind… or else you will die a brutalizing death by the hands of a villain within a year or two." Says Nighteye as he looks at Kaminari with a worried look on his face. He knows that his visions will always come true… when he sees it it's like it's set in stone and ready to happen. "I will also like to drop you from my agency now. I won't take any responsibility for your life anymore."

Kaminari is about to refute that but before he can do so the whisper says to him.

~If that is true then you must leave the Hero life…~ 

As the whisper said that, its voice becomes colder as it speaks along and the voice starts resembling his brother's even more. It almost feels like his brother is just behind him and speaking clearly.

'Don't worry… you know that someone like Eiri. If she gets involved then the prediction could change easily.' Reasons Kaminari. 

~DON'T FU*K AROUND!!! This is your life we are talking about! You think that you will somehow miraculously survive if you are in a sticky situation… NO, YOU WON'T!!! So start being realistic. Don't take chances on something like this.~

The whisper for the first time ever is actually mad. Even Denki is startled by it as his brother's uncanny voice says that. He also knows that this is something his brother would say too. He knows that taking risks like this isn't the best of ideas, but if he at the same time follows what his brother told him then he would just have to retire and live the rest of his life thinking of what could have been.

'Brother, it's my life-'

~And you will waste it.~

That is when Kaminari did something strange that he hasn't done in this life. Stand up to his brother. 'No! You listen, brother, if I leave now, I know that I will regret it. I will always think of what could have been. Then WHAT!?!? I will just live a miserable life, withering away and wasting my second chance at life.'

~But if you play your cards right immortal-

'I don't care about immortality. I lived my first life and I was miserable as I grew old. You and mom dying before me. You always said that you were going to die before me, that will be your final selfish act. But you died at 18 brothers… and I still lived decades after your death… trying to be what you would have become. I was never able to reach it… and I died full of regrets. I won't make the same mistake again!!!' Concludes Kaminari, he wasn't asking for permission from the voice. He is simply informing his brother of his decision. 

~I see… it seems like I won't be needed anymore then~ 

Suddenly the whisper disappeared from his head… just like that. The lingering presence was though it was no longer there. Kaminari is still contemplating that this truly might have been a hallucination all along. Simply a coping mechanism. 

But now he is decisive enough to make his own decisions. 

To Nighteye it seemed like Denki was standing still for a couple of minutes contemplating his decision. But in the end, Denki only breathes out a sigh of relief before smiling at Nighteye brightly. "Hahahaha… don't worry about such useless things Nighteye. We are all going to die one day, whether sooner or later, it doesn't matter. So I will stay a hero."

Kaminari turns around to walk out of the door. Nighteye looks at Kaminari's back and in the end, only sighs at this. "I see… then I guess that l can't let you walk out now. It would just leave a bad taste in my mouth if I did that."

Kaminari suddenly turns around and has a shocked look on his face. "So… you are a tsundere."

Immediately as Kaminari says that a vein pops up in Nighteye's forehead. He is annoyed at Kaminari and says. "What did you say you brat?!! I will kick you out of the agency if I hear one more rude word from you!!"

Kaminari snickers slightly at this and says. "Sure, sure…" 

Nighteye on the other hand, interlocks his hands and leans them on the table, trying to hide his smile.


Tomorrow comes around, and Kaminari officially starts his internship.


-Kaminari POV-

As I arrive at Nighteye's agency, I am a little worried on the inside. After all, I never expressed on the outside what I am thinking on the inside. But I haven't heard the whisper's voice since yesterday. I even called him out but he didn't answer. 

Well… I guess it was a mental hallucination after all. I just overcame my problem… I guess?

Well, I have resolved my thoughts on the matter, it doesn't matter if I die while chasing my goal. I obviously won't seek death, that would be counterproductive. But I am no longer scared of death. 

Brother was always scared of death, he was too burdened with it and I knew it. Heh, I guess I am better than him at some things.

I am fully in my blue costume which looks a lot like super man's except the whole red underwear on the outside. That would be kinda lame and weird to wear for real.

Also, I am not hiding my face with my hero costume, but I use a slight electric static and my hair is flowing upward like some super saiyan.

Centipede and Bubble Girl, meet me in the hallway and Bubble Girl says. "Are you nervous about your first ever patrol?"

"A little." I answer her truthfully. After all,  some Nomu might decide to attack me. I am a little worried about that. I did fight the Nomu during the USJ so that might have AFO pay attention to me and seek me out to steal my quirk or something like that.


The patrol is simple, we just greet people and take photos with some kids. Quite a bit of people recognized me from the Sports Festival, so I even gave a couple of autographs.

"AHHHH HELP ME!!!" I was pulled out of my thoughts as a person yelled out loud. It seemed to be a female voice, I immediately used my lightning mode and went after the scream.

When I arrived there I just saw a man with the upper body of a crab and the lower body of a human robbing a woman.

I just appear behind the man and clasp the back of his head. 


I instantly knocked him out…



The MC is having a little character development as he learns to think for himself, he also sees himself better than his big brother at some things now. THAT is a bigger than it seems.

Also I don't know if ya noticed, but he started calling the voice 'Brother' in the midst if the argument. He was yelling at someone else completely as he said that.

P.S: Three updates a day because I missed the past days.... so little free time letely... 😣