Chapter 32

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[34 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 32

Title: Baiting...


-Kaminari POV-

As the final week of June comes around, I spend it training my physical body, it doesn't matter that I am only third in grades against some prepubescent high school children. Fu*k that annoyed me, I ain't some fu*king loser to get beaten by them. 

I am currently in my living room doing some push-ups. I can see a puddle of sweat below me, I just need to do some more pushups and my arm will give out. 

Though I think all of this my mind still goes to another place...


I know why I placed in 3rd place because I didn't study at all for midterm exams or anything like that. I only revised when I was walking towards UA… this definitely sucks beyond measure. I mean, some fifteen-year-old kids beat me in junior high school level subjects. I still am not studying that much, mostly when I am in the bathroom. I wanna be the best at everything and always be number one, but I know just how useless grades like this are. 

I do crazy calculations constantly in order to learn how to manage my ability. But that is where the problem comes, I am forgetting some things from my past life. Not things essential to me, like physics and math, but things like language arts, and some other things. I must be number one in these things, but at the same time they are all useless, I will forget them once I become an official hero anyway, this sucks.

From what I remember, the next will be the teacher vs student trials, I wonder who they will put me against. Obviously, they will put me against a teacher that is a counter against me. So that means either All Might or Aizawa, only those two amongst the teachers can really defeat me. All Might because he can beat me in raw power, Aizawa can use his quirk to disable mine and I am pretty much a normal person with a better physique than normal. But Aizawa will outclass me in all of there too, technique, intelligence, fighting experience, martial arts, and due to being a trained adult he beats me in natural physical strength too. His items will help him easily win a fight against me.

Hmmmm… I see, then Aizawa will be the one most likely to be put against me. But with whom will I be in a team, Momo? Todoroki or someone else completely. This will definitely be quite important to me because I know clearly just how strong I have pushed my quirk to be… and I know my weaknesses the best. Sadly, there isn't a lot I can do for most of them and I am already improving on the ones that I can. 

What terrifies me is that I can't improve and this is as good as I will get. I know that this is nowhere near enough. Those end-game powers, I am nothing against them. I will be surpassed by Midoriya and Shigaraki if I become stagnant and am satisfied with just what I have.

One way to go about this is to improve my equipment and my hero suit, I know just how much of a difference that can make. But at the same time, I don't know what to improve on, I have the defense for my suit mainly down, I honestly just added some knives in hidden places in the suit. 

When I asked for this suit, my only requirement was that it doesn't hinder my quirk. My quirk is easy to disrupt by something like a suit, I didn't want any metal plates or any rubber to cover my suit because both would weaken my quirk usage. Weapons are okay though…

Though, I need to think of some more moves, somethings like the railgun that I developed. That is a very lethal move and my trump card that I don't plan to use it too much. After all, it's pretty much my only hidden trump card.

I look at the clock and see that it's almost midnight, so I sigh and get up, I need to take a shower and go to sleep now. I must get my 7+ hours of sleep a day at least. I usually get eight hours, but I have been unable to get those these last couple of days so I had to tire my body before going to sleep.


The next day comes quickly next week and I immediately open my eyes minutes before the alarm rings. This is my internal alarm at work. I see that it is a little over seven in the morning, by eight I have to be at UA. Well, it doesn't matter, I always arrive early… by a couple of minutes.

I pick up my phone and see that in the 1-A Group Class on AppWhats that there are eighteen new messages. I read through them and it's pretty much Momo creating a new study group for the people who have had some difficulty.

I decided to join in and type on the group. 

Kaminari: Yo! Good morning, I will join too, I will help you Momo… and I also need some help myself. Hahahaha…

After writing that I get up, put on the school uniform, brush my teeth, wash my face, and set off for UA. 


As I arrive, I see Mina running along. She has a toast of bread in her mouth as she runs. I just look at her and say. "Oy! No need to rush Mina, we are not gonna be late."

She stops and looks at me, her chest goes up and down as she breathes heavily. "Oh thank god, I thought I was gonna be late. Aizawa would chew off my head if that were the case."

I laugh at that lightly. "I always tell you to not stay till 2 AM, you must get a healthy dose of eight hours a day of sleep. That is the key to keeping a healthy body and mind."

Mina just looks at me as I say that, she bites on her toast bread… okay so she is zoning me out. I flicked her forehead and berate her. "Mina~... listen to me. You are worrying me about this. Unhealthy habits like this can continue into adult life too. Do you want me to worry about you even when we are grown up?"

She blushes a little as I say that. Well, she is most likely thinking about marriage now that I talked about me worrying about her even during adulthood. Well, I did imply it a little. Though I plan to marry Momo, a little secret affair at the side wouldn't hurt anyone… except Momo if she finds out. But she won't, because I will just be doing my 'hero duties' till late at night. Marriage is boring and after ten years fu*king the same woman gets boring.

...Or maybe not, it wouldn't be good to be like I was in my past life. Uncaring for those around me. I had multiple wives because of this problem, better keep it chill this time. Use my head not my d*ck to do the thinking.

Still, that decision is too far in the future, after all, I am still a virgin… in this body at least. But details like that don't matter at all. 

I see that Mina is still absentminded and act like I don't know about what it is as I flick her forehead again. "See, you are daydreaming because of the lack of sleep."

*sigh* I sigh and pat her in the head. "I worry for you Mina…  so please take care of yourself."



Changes... the MC knows the bad things it can lead for temporary pleasure. Whether he will do it, well it doesn't matter.

P.S: Now the question is... does he actually care for Mina for real?