Chapter 36

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[35 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 36


Kaminari uses his quirk's mobility to maneuver himself midair and land on the ground. With Momo still in his arms, he lets her down and acts like he didn't notice her blushing up a storm. 

"You okay?" He asks while looking around for any other attack.

"Yes." She nods, coming back to reality. 'This is not the time for such thoughts.'

But neither of them has too much time to think as they are surrounded by monsters made out of earth. 

"Momo, long sword." Requests Kaminari casually, without a trace of panic in his voice.

Momo immediately understands what he means. Electricity is almost useless against them since they are made out of earth. So she makes a long sword and gives it to him.

With the long sword in his hands, electricity crackles around him and he disappears in a flash.


Before Momo could even see what happened, the next thing she sees is the earth beasts cut down to pieces. 

Kaminari turns around and picks up Momo in a princess carry without even asking her. 

"Wha?!!" Momo is surprised by this.

But Kaminari has a concentrated look on his face and says. "We must reunite with the others. This is the fastest way."

The way he says it makes it sound more like he was informing her of his decision rather than.

As he reaches the others, that is when Aizawa's voice is heard from a speaker. "Check, check… okay, this is the 1-A test, you will have to reach the lodge on the other side of the forest… so figure out the rest by yourself."

Everyone is confused by this, but Kaminari knows what this means and he decides to take charge of the situation. "Okay! Everyone! Listen to me!"

"Huh?!!" Bakugo looks at Kaminari with an annoyed look on his face. "Who the hell put you in charge, sparkles?!!"

"C -C'mon now Katchan. Now is not the time to fight." Says Izuku nervously. 


"Shut the hell up Deku!!!" Screams Bakugo, he doesn't need Deku to tell him what to do.


The sound of lightning crackling was heard as everyone looked at Kaminari and they saw a cold look on his face. He looks straight at Bakugo and says. "You either do as I say, or I knock you out and carry you to the ledge."

Bakugo doesn't say anything after that. He knows that Kaminari doesn't make nonsensical threats. He will really do what he says, so he decided to not edge his classmate on anymore.

"Anyway, me, Todoroki, and Kirishima will be at the front. Bakugo will be at the rear, the others look to the sides. But Bakugo will replace Todoroki after a while, and we will continue this circle of exchange so we don't get tired." Explains Kaminari, also pointing and making some other teams that will replace each other so everyone has some time to rest. "Everyone okay with that?"

Everyone nods, even a reluctant Bakugo.




Hours later, the sun is about to set, in the lodge Aizawa and the Wild Pussycats Heroes are waiting for Class 1-A to arrive when.


The forest in front of them explodes and a large dust cloud appears. 

"DAMN IT!!!" And Bakugo's scream is heard.

"Seems like they are already here," announces Aizawa. 

"They did it quite fast." Tiger, the muscular man in the Wild Pussycats Hero Team, is quite inpressed by the young heroes in training.

Aizawa smirks. "Well, they are quite exceptional."

Though the homeroom teacher won't say it out loud, this class is quite possibly the best U.A has ever had.

At least he is sure that they are the best class he has had and he is sure that quite a lot of them will make it to the Top 10 at least. There is Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima… and Kaminari. Those five are the ones in his mind who will make it to the Top 10 in the Hero Rankings.


One more explosion is heard and the forest in front of the lodge bursts apart as Kaminari charges ahead with a little tired look on his face, while Bakugo and Todoroki were using their quirks to try and keep the others safe.

"We arrived now losers!!" Yells Bakugo while looking at the people behind him. He turns around and looks in front of him, he can only see Kaminari's back… which pisses him off. He doesn't like always having to be in his shadow. 'How the hell am I gonna be number one by just being in his shadow?!!'

Todoroki on the other hand has a calm look on his face as he looks at Kaminari. He saw something that he didn't expect today… he saw that Kaminari had a major weakness on his Quirk. He hadn't used any long-range attack with the others around him, he only covered his limbs with electricity and he punched and slashed at the earth beasts that way. That was how he figured out that Kaminari can't control the electricity outside of his body… not too big of a weakness. But something to take into account next time he fights him.

Kirishima, has a smile on his face, he is in his Red Riot Unbreakable form. He also has bashed through multiple earth beasts and was able to keep up with Bakugo and Todoroki, even if they had more destructive quirks. 

Midoriya looks at Kaminari and the backs of the others, he can feel tears almost come out of his eyes. 'I need to train harder to be able to keep up with them.'

At 5% One For All he couldn't keep up at all with them, as they had gotten way better than they were during the Sports Festival. Because while he had grown… the others had grown too. 'Will I ever be able to catch up to them this way?... No!! I know I will!! I have One For All, the quirk that All Might used to become The Symbol of Hope. I will do the same too.'

As Midoriya was hyping himself up, Aizawa shrugs and tells the rest of 1-A. "Eat, and this is the last time the food will be prepared for you. Next time it's all up to you."

After that, the students all go and eat the food prepared for them by the Wild Pussy Cats.

"This is so good!!" Exclaims Kirishima. 

Which causes Pixie-Bob, the pretty blonde hair member of the Wild Pussycats to smile in satisfaction. She then starts gushing over Kaminari, Izuku, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima. 

Kaminari didn't pay any attention to this 31 year-old woman who is looking for the attention of a man.

Instead, he is thinking about the attacks that should happen soon. He can only plan for the worst and hope for the best. He now understands the way things are working now. Changes are inevitably going to happen and the best he can do is survive... if the worst comes to play.


Later on, the class goes to the hot springs, Kaminari has a towel around his midsection and he closes his eyes with a hot towel covering them.

"Hey, do you think he is sleeping?" Asks Mineta.

Shouji just looks at him and transforms one of his arms into a mouth to say. "No… I don't believe so. He must always be on guard. We are talking about Kaminari here ya know."

"Hmmm…" Mineta contemplates something and then smiles as a malicious look appears on his face. "Oh well, it doesn't matter!! I must go and climb the wall that separates man from heaven."

Eijiro looks at him weirdly as Mineta starts climbing the wall. Kaminari's ear twitches for a split second. 

What he is doing currently is training. He is trying to create something like catching electromagnetic signals. He picked the wooden bucket that was floating in the water around him and threw it.


The wooden bucket flew with impeccable precision and hit Mineta in the head as he was climbing the wall.


"Ahhhhh!!!" Mineta screams as he starts falling to the ground. "Kaminari you bastard!!"

Shouji just nods at this. "As expected of Kaminari. Perfect aim."

Everyone else looks at Shouji weirdly, when did he become such a diehard fan of Kaminari? 

At this time, the kid Kota is on the wall of the hot springs and looks at Mineta with disdain. He is there to keep perverts like Mineta away, but accidentally he turns around and looks at the girl's side immediately he is surprised and starts falling.

"Oy the kid is gonna fall!" Yells out Kirishima.


But before Kota can hit the ground Kaminari catches him by the back of his shirt in the blink of the eye, and smiles. "Yo there kid! You should be more careful!"

Kota huffs and gets off his grasp, starting to walk away. Kaminari just shrugs at this, knowing his backstory already and that the kid hates Heroes because his parents were heroes and died.

Later on, as everyone goes to their lodges to sleep, Mandalay (Wild Pussycat Team, the brown-haired girl) approaches the guy's group and looks at Kaminari. "Thanks for helping Kota."

As she says that she has a small blush on her face. 

"Damn it! Kaminari! He is even better with older women!" Whines Mineta, like always girls gush at Kaminari even when he doesn't seem to be trying. Everyone can see how Momo, Mina, and many other girls look at him with love-struck eyes. Even the dense Ochako has a crush on him.

"No problem, my body just moved on its own." Says Kaminari with a gentle smile on his face, again lying about his body moving on its own. But he can also see that the blush on Mandalay's face is fake.

'What could she be up to?' Wonders Kaminari. He isn't some teenage boy who thinks that a woman like Mandalay, a woman with an experience like her would gush at him like this unless she has alternative thoughts.

Still, he can only sigh internally. 'Hopefully it's nothing too troublesome from her.'

The next day comes about and as everyone is gathered Aizawa looks at the students in front of him with his usual tired look in his eyes. "Good morning. Anyway, let's get straight to the point. Today we will begin Quirk Training."

"But sir, haven't we already been training quirks. What is so different now?" Asks Mina with a curious look on her face.

As he sees that most of the students also seem to be of the same mindset Aizawa points at Bakugo and says. "Katsuki, what was the distance you threw your ball during the Quirk Apprehension Test on the first day of school."

"Huh?" Bakugo is confused by the question but he still answers calmly. "705.2 Meters"

Aizawa nods at that. While Bakugo is rude to most of the people, he respects Aizawa, he has seen the man's will and how far he is willing to go. He saw that clearly during the USJ incident.

"Okay then, throw it again." Says Aizawa, giving Bakugo another ball.

Bakugo takes the ball and throws it with his full power. "DIE!!!"


As the ball flies away, Aizawa shows the students the distance measurer. It says 710 Meters. Better than the Quirk Apprehension Test, but not by much. 

"While you have improved your stamina, strength, and Quirk usage. You haven't improved the powers of your quirks too much." Explains Aizawa, his gaze stops at Kaminari for a split second as he says that. 'Well except him.' Thinks Aizawa, as he has already seen some camera footage of Kaminari training his quirk on the school training fields even after everyone else went home. 

In comparison to the others, Kaminari was different, he trained way more than the others. Because while the kids his age went around to rest, sleep, or such… he was training… training… and even more training


And so the Quirk training begins, Kaminari is the person Aizawa is paying most attention to as the kid is tied to a giant generator of electricity. 

From what Aizawa had seen, Kaminari's usage of his quirk is already phenomenal. He has pushed his Electrification Quirks to a whole new level never thought possible before.

So they had decided to train his reserves, Kaminari can already store up to hundreds of millions of volts. But he has expressed his desire to want to have a larger reserve, and after that, he has plans to study and see if he can control the electricity outside of his own body.

"Okay." That was Aizawa's simple answer to all that. "Anyway, let's start your training."

A generator half the size of the mountain is put up and Kaminari moves inside which is a metallic room. 

Aizawa already gave him instructions on how to manage something like this. So Kaminari closes his eyes and says. "Computer, turn up discharge to one hundred million volts."


A huge current of electricity runs through the room and Kaminari is hit by all of it, even though he is not hurt on the outside. He can feel his body feel bloated and heat up.

203 million volts is when the heat on his body becomes unbearable and he yells out. "STOP!!!"

The electricity immediately stops, Kaminari winces slightly as a part of his skin on his arm is charred. But he doesn't mind, now that he has access to equipment like this, he can rain his storage and output, unlike home where he could only go to sneak into sports stadiums to train.

He knows that his storage is like a muscle and the more he trains it the better it gets. Though he guesses that there must be a limit, while it is physical as his body will either start showing adverse effects when storing too much or just the storage growth having a real max capacity.

'Now is the time to train and push past my limits.' Contemplates Kaminari resolutely. He has a lead against Izuku, who will get many quirks from One For All. He plans to keep that lead against the OFA user, he will never settle for Number Two, because number two is just the best loser, meaning he will still be a loser no matter what, unless he is Number One.


So evening comes around and it's time for the students themselves to cook. 

Kaminari urges his 'peers' to work together.

"Woah! Look how good at cutting Bakugo is! That is so surprising!!" Exclaims Ochako in surprise. But it was true as Bakugo was cutting like a chef would and doing so precisely and fast. 

"Hey!!! What is so surprising huh?!!" Exclaims Bakugo with his usual raging look on his face. "It's just you losers being bad at everything that you do!!"

Kaminari smirks at this and he also starts cutting some vegetables for the curry. 

"Woah!! Kaminari too?!!" Exclaims Sero (tape guy). As even Kaminari was cutting like Bakugo, they had their little silent competition going on already.

"Woah, they are so uber-talented… I hate it!!" Exclaims Mineta with a despairing look on his face. "How will I ever get girls like this!!"

"""That's what you are worried about?!!""" Yells the rest of the class in annoyance. Especially the girls, as they were glad that Kaminari isn't like Mineta and he won't use his good looks and talent to get girls… at least that is from their perspective of him. 

While the others were talking like that, Kaminari was enjoying himself too and doing some silly things like shocking a little bug to death and then back to life.

"Woah~ that is cool." Says Eijiro. 

"Oy! Don't harm a creature needlessly." Reprimands Momo.

But as she does so, Kaminari sees that Midoriya has gone away, from what he remembers. He should have gone to find Koto as he isn't here.

'Then this is the night…' Thinks Kaminari as he gets up and apologizes. "Sorry guts, but I will go and bring Midoriya back."

He runs off, already a plan in his mind and what he will do when the villains attack.

Three days pass… and there is no villain attack in sight. Kaminari frowns at this slightly as he is currently training with his quirk. 'Did I remember it wrong?'

He has been here for many years now so him not exactly remembering some things isn't a big deal. He would be okay with that alternative… because if he remembers correctly and the villains didn't attack… it means something even worse. 

'They have possibly changed their plan.' Concludes Kaminari, slightly nervous at this. He now knows that they must have a countermeasure or two against him and his Quirk. Which would be the worst situation possible for him. 

'Damn… I shouldn't have displayed so much during the USJ incident. ' He knows that he should have done some things differently, but there is no medicine for regret, so he has to live with his decisions. 'But maybe if I didn't display such power, the heroes who knew of my power would find it weird. So maybe it wasn't a bad mistake after all…'

In the end, he comes to a realization. He shouldn't have revealed his power from the beginning… ever since he entered U.A and on the day of the exam he shouldn't have displayed so much. Then he could have acted as he would have wanted and had a little more wiggle room, he could also go 'Plus Ultra' when he would need it and fake his true power as a moment in which he went past his limit.

But as he thinks of this he concludes. There is no use crying over spilled milk. But from now on… he will make damn sure to hide more of what he can do. That way he could have his own 'Plus Ultra' moment when it suits him.

Kaminari smirks at this… having come to his realization… 


Character Growth my friends… the MC is changing … also this chapter is loooong… like over 3000 words long. Before I used to do ~1200-1300 word chapters. But now I decided to make them around 1500 words… this is two chapters in one… BUT THIS IS NOT EVEN MY FINAL FORM!!! 

P.S: Editing this chapter was such a pain in the asś. Too long...😒

P.P.S: More chapters comming today, also if someone has a question. Ping me on discord since lately I have been getting too many coments and due to work haven't been able to read them all.😓