Chapter 42

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[35 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 42

Title: Siblings?


Tomura could sense a heavy feeling set over his stomach as he and the other Villain League members went towards Toga's location.

'What is this feeling?' He wonders, not understanding the unnecessary panic that he is feeling. It was like performing in front of a crowd for the first time.


But as soon as they arrive at the location, they are on top of the roofs when they see Toga covered in blood and laying on the ground.

While Kaminari has a knife in his hand as he looks up at them with a smirk on his face.

Twice panics and jumps down with an angry shout. "You bastard!!"

"Ah~ c'mon now, aren't you the guys who kill innocent people." Says Kaminari. "No need to be so panicked at the sight of blood."

He casually dodges one of Twice's punches and kicks the man in the stomach.


Twice crashes into a wall, causing cracks all around it. He spits out blood and flops down.

"Twice was knocked out instantly!" Comments Dabi. Though he was calm on the outside, internally he is contemplating how to get out of this alive. 

Kaminari killed Muscular, Moonfish, and crippled Mustard, so he definitely isn't like other heroes.

"Boss… we should be careful." Says Magne, though all the Villain League are here. Every single one of them is on edge because of the sweetly smiling teen in front of them.

"Aren't you gonna attack?" Asks Kaminari curiously. "Oh well, if you aren't…"


Instantly he appears behind Tomura, and with a quick chop to his neck, the villain's boss is knocked out.

Spinner uses his giant hunk of metal swords to attack Kaminari. This was all done in panic as the sword burst, the chapels sinking into Spinner's body. "Agh!" 

Dabi protects the others by shooting his blue flame at the metal, melting it. He looks at Kaminari and says. "This guy is just trouble."


And immediately after a burst of blue flames are shot at the U.A student. 

Behind Kaminari black wings appear, they are made out of iron sand, and he starts flying. Dodging the attack, and giving himself more maneuverability.

But as the flame clears out, every one of the Villain League members is gone. 

"Heh, well they are quite skilled." Says Kaminari casually, he planned to let them go since the beginning.

He had no plans to capture them, at least not yet. Also, he even bloodied up Toga to make them panic. In actuality, he just needs to sense her brain signals to judge if she is lying or not. He didn't need to torture her too much, or at all for that matter. 'Playing mind games is more efficient.'

He then dispels his wings and falls on the ground. After that, he walks away with his hands in his pocket.


Back at U.A Academy, everyone from Class 1-A was together and checking each other's rooms while Kaminari was absent.

"So what did you and Kaminari do against the Villains after they captured you?" Asks Kirishima, and everyone else was curious.

"Huh? What are you bastards on about?! Obviously, we cracked some Villain skulls." Bakugo says aggressively. He then looks at Midoriya and points at him. "Unlike you who gets threatened and does nothing. It is different when strong people are captured."

"Now, now, no need to turn this into an insult against Midoriya." Says Sero, trying to defuse the situation.

"Hmmm…" Momo thinks about something. "But Kaminari planned to get captured all along…"

She then looks at the others and sees them all looking at her in surprise. After all, that isn't exactly public knowledge. "A -Ah, I mean… nothing… forget I said that."

Bakugo folds his arms and leans back on the couch. His mind thinking back on the night that he and Kaminari were captured. 'That bastard, what is he thinking?' Bakugo noticed something that night, Kaminari is planning something big. But he can't see it. 'The strength that he displayed that night puts him as an obvious candidate for number one.'

He then looks at his hand and clenches it into a fist. 'I need to train harder if I don't want to be left behind.'

So he gets up. 

"W -Where are you going Katchan?" Asks Midoriya, which annoyed Bakugou due to the nickname.

Still, he took a breath and calmed down. "I am going to train, I am not a jagoff like you."

Everyone was surprised by the calm demeanor Bakugou showed. Usually, he would be mad and rave around, but now he is very casual. 

This was all due to him seeing Kaminari act calmly even in front of the villains. So he too plans to learn that kind of demeanor, though he will still need to use his anger to his advantage. After all, it helps with his Quirk as it makes him sweat more. 


As Bakugo walks outside he sees Kaminari walking in. They just walk by each other without saying anything.

But suddenly as they pass each other, Bakugo stops and asks. "Sparky, do you think that there is a way to strengthen my Quirk?"

Kaminari doesn't stop walking and instead just smirks. "You are already in the right way. I never said this, but honestly, I am glad that it was you that got kidnapped with me and not someone else."

Bakugo smirks at that. Kaminari was being truthful at this, even Todoroki would have been troublesome due to Dabi being there. Izuku would have been a big No, and Kirishima is too slow against Tomura and his defense Quirk would be useless. So he meant it when he said that Bakugo was the perfect partner in that situation.

But Bakugo took this in another way too, he saw it as Kaminari saying that he is stronger than the others. 

Kaminari didn't bother to clarify the meaning. So there was a misunderstanding born that lit Bakugo's spirit on fire. 'Now only Kaminari is standing in front of me from being the next Number One Hero.'

After walking off, Kaminari walks towards the common room and sees the others gathered in there.

"Yo, what are you guys doing?" Asks Kaminari. 

Immediately Toru turns towards him. Well, the only thing visible is her clothes turning around. "Kaminari, everyone wants to see your room!!"

Kaminari was confused about this for a split second, but then he remembers the thing that would have happened and how everyone should have seen each other's rooms by now. 

"Well… my room isn't anything special." Kaminari says casually, looking to the side uncomfortably. This makes everyone curious, even Mina who has been in his room countless times.

Internally Kaminari laughs, but on the outside, he acts even more nervous. 

Everyone's hopes were dashed a minute later.

"Eh… this is… average." Says Sato, the room seemed almost boring. It had a bed, desk, computer, and shelf. That was all there was to the room.

"You don't even have books in here?" Asks Momo, she thought that someone smart like him would have books.

"I keep my books digitally. Carrying books around is inefficient when I can just have all the books I want on my phone" Answers Kaminari as he pulls out his phone and points at it. "All my books are here."

That is when he sees Mina looking under his bed. "Let me see where you have your porn stash hidden~"

As she is crouched down he kicks her lightly in her behind. 

"Kya!" This causes her to yelp in surprise. 

He then pinches her cheeks in annoyance. "I told you not to say something like that. While I don't mind, how will you find a boyfriend if you act like this?"

"You touched me in a private place! Take responsibility!" Yells Mina, blushing in all shades of pink, while she points at him.

*sigh* "I worry about you Mina, how will you ever find a guy who will be okay with these things?" Complains Kaminari, the rest of the Class looks at Mina and him acting like this and can't help but think that Mina and Kaminari like a couple of siblings.

At this Mina mumbles. "I have already found a guy who will be okay with this."

"Huh? Did you say something?" Kaminari asks, before going back to berating her to act more lady-like.

The rest of the Class starts feeling like 3rd wheels in this situation. Also, they all had one thought in their minds. 'Even someone like Kaminari can be dense… He is so dense!'

Everyone could see what was going on here. Mineta was crying tears of blood as he looked at what seemed to him a harem anime scene. 'I hate this bastard!!' He internally screams. 'I am so jealous of him!!'

"Don't treat me like a kid!" SaysMina, annoyed as Kaminari pats her head. 

"There, there~ you will be okay~"


A/N: …We all know if Kaminari is really that dense…