Chapter 49

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[36 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 49

Title: Major Change...


As Kaminari enters the 2nd stage of the Provincial Exam. It is rescue training as he predicted that it would most likely be, it was the same as he remembers from his 1st life.

But he usually doesn't try to judge everything from that knowledge as he has already changed too much. Just in case things become unexpected.

Still, as soon as the exam starts. Kaminari also levitates himself to charge forward. While he has been given top-tier first aid, he is still injured, so running lighting through his body and putting such strain in it isn't optimal. Plus, while he acted all tough in front of Aizawa and the others, this is all just a test, so he doesn't plan to push his body beyond his limits and break it permanently.

So he controls his iron sand to do most of the saving. He moves giant structures and levitates people out of the places with a smile on his face. "Don't worry everyone, for I am here in a Flash!!"

Though he says that, some people seem to want to criticize him, but he quickly shuffled them away from the cameras and put them in the safe area. Kaminari just talked so much that he didn't even let them respond, which in a way classifies as comforting the target and making them forget about the catastrophe that they just experienced.

"So I had this splinter in my foot right?" Says Kaminari, talking to a kid who has a confused look on his face. "NO!! WRONG!!"

That makes the kid flinch, scaring him. But Kaminari acts like he doesn't notice and keeps talking. "It was a big splinter, like half a toothpick."

He is just spewing nonsense, not letting the victims even talk. Normally, he would be able to comfort them to the best of his ability, but currently, his back is hurting so bad that he can't even crouch down, but he covers that due to rescuing a lot of people. 

'I hope those bastards at the observation table take into account that I am injured. That should get me a couple more points.' Complains Kaminari internally, if those observatory guys had done their job correctly, then a villain like Toga wouldn't have been here in the first place. But he of course keeps these thoughts to himself. 'Act like prey, be a predator!'

The latter part of his thoughts ring in his head, he tries to muddle his pain with these thoughts. 

At this time, since he was using too much electricity his thoughts slow down a little as his control isn't as good as usual and his mental facilities so strange thoughts appear in his head. 'Act like a loli, be a pedo-... okay time to wrap this up. My thoughts are going into stupid mode due to discharging too much electricity.'

Even as the fake villains planted by the exam site. The "villains" were just Gang Orca and some other goons. Kaminari didn't pay any extra attention to this and concentrated on saving people and restraining any villain goons that come closer. He leaves Gang Orca to Todoroki, his wind pal, Izuku, not caring about anything there and as if he doesn't notice.


But around the middle of the exam, Kaminari starts breathing heavily. His injured body sweaty and feeling already tired due to the strain it has been put through today, he winces as his injury flares up. 'Damn! This… this pain, if only it would stop. If only my body wouldn't fail my will. Move!!'

His body simply couldn't keep up, so in the end. Kaminari has to lay down, even the control starts failing and his iron sand just falls on the ground uselessly. 'Damn! Damn! Damn!... Don't fail me now!!'

*huff* *huff* *huff* Kaminari's breathing gets even heavier and his face is flushed in exhaustion, his legs feel like noodles, his arms heavy and it feels like a mountain is in his back. 'I should be a winner!! If I pass… out… now… I…'


He falls on the ground, passed out. 

"Kaminari!!" Yells out Mina worryingly, she was the one closest to him so she gets close to him and touches his forehead, it feels like he is burning. 


A large amount of electricity is discharged from his body, making Mina jump back scared. Kaminari's body moves as if possessed by a ghost, he has shocked himself back into consciousness.


But he still falls on the ground, unconscious once more. This time, his Quirk doesn't discharge, as he has used almost all of his electricity stored inside of him. Something that he hasn't done in years. 


From the observing rooms, Aizawa, Ms. Joke, and Recover Lady are all looking at Kaminari. Even some of the others are captivated by the sight. Giving it his all, many people can say that, but most don't understand its meaning. Kaminari, he gave it his all.

"It's the poison that was previously inside his body." Says Recovery Lady with her usual grandmotherly look on her face. "Though he purged it off his body, it had already attacked him by then. It made his immune response overreact. Plus the injury, blood loss, and just general exhaustion, he would have fallen over any second he stepped into the 2nd stage. Surprisingly he lasted a lot more than I thought he would."

Aizawa grunts at this in annoyance. As a teacher, he should have stopped Kaminari, but his Hero side took over at the time and wanted to see the young man's spirit.

Ms. Joke wasn't laughing, which is rare for her, she just looked at Kaminari calmly. She is amazed on the inside because she wouldn't be sure if she would be as hard-headed as Kaminari even if people's lives were in the line for real. Heroes are humans, so they are not all the same, and the feeling of fear and sloth is within all their hearts. Many others too, both the good and bad, even villains have those. Not everything is as simple as white and black, the world has always been more of a gray color.

There are corrupt Heroes, even though society acts like that isn't so. Deep within them, all the heroes have accepted that, but they like to pretend otherwise. That was the fact of this society, some villains were forced to be there because of circumstances too. 

'But someone with that kind of will in no way is a faker. His body gave up before his will did.' That was the general gist of everyone's thoughts in here. Thinking that Kaminari did all of that and went through so much pain just to save people that weren't in danger to even begin with.

"I really don't like people with Hero Syndrome." Complains Recovery Lady. "They are just the worst kind of patients."


The next time Kaminari opens his eyes, the exam has already passed and there are a bunch of flowers around him. For a second, his mind feels like in a half-dream state so he can't think clearly. 'Holy sh*t! There are so many flowers. Did I go to heaven? Wait, God, I don't care about Heaven, I wanna go back and live in the world!!'

But his thoughts clear up and he sees that he is lying down on a bed with flowers around him. He also sees a bunch of cards around him.

"Hm… how the hell do I get out of this place?" Kaminari looks around and sees that the whole room is filled with flowers. "Wow, just how many days was I asleep? I hope it isn't one of those where I was asleep for years!!"

He gets up and feels the slight ache on his back. He sees that his back is fully bandaged. Seeing this and lying back on the bed he takes a couple of cards and starts reading them. 

"Ugh, Kirishima's handwriting is so sh*t." He complains as he tries to read the 1st note. "Whatever, I will read this later."


At the same time, in an undisclosed lab underground. A doctor who is a fairly old man of short stature. He is completely bald and has a very large, bushy mustache. He also wears rather peculiar goggles.

He is in a dark room with a big capsule filled with a strange liquid in it. Inside of the capsule is a white-haired man with a distinct dark lightning bolt shape to the side of his spiky hair.

"Nomu…" The doctor speaks silently but in an excited voice. "My powerful Nomu… Awaken now…"

The pale-skinned man inside the capsule starts thrashing. But the doctor just presses a button on the capsule and the thrashing body calms down. "Guess you are not ready yet."


A/N: The MC's reserves started droping rapidle due to the injury he didn't have the usual concentration that he has and a lot of energy was wasted. Also he doesn't like it as his electricity storage drops down as you know...