Chapter 55

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[36 Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]


Chapter 55

Title: Misplaced...

In a field, close to an unimportant village in the rural area. Rabbit Hero: Mirko looked at the smiling brat in front of her. "I forgot that I even made an invitation to someone like you."

"Well what can I say, people forget a thousand things a day," replied Kaminari politely.

Mirko frowned at that. "No, I mean that you are so unimportant that I forgot your existence."

"Mirko -sensei, did you also forget the moment that we shared after the Hosu incident?" he asked with a bashful look.

This ticked off Mirko even more. 


She hit him on the head. "Yeah, no kid should be acting as you did. Especially not at your age."

"C'mon now sensei~" he whined, "Don't be so cruel to me."

This annoyed Mirko even more as she looked at his smiling face. He wasn't at all discouraged by the situation and what she said. What annoyed Mirko, even more, was that a fifteen-year-old made her feel like an inexperienced school girl back then. She will never forget that annoying incident, she thinks about it every night in annoyance and swore that the next time she met him she would bash his face in.

But instead, Kaminari came to her willingly and found her instead. "So, sensei~ what are you going to teach me?"

"A bunch of nothing," insisted Mirko, "I am going to cancel my request."

*Sigh* Kaminari sighed at this in disappointment. "C'mon now, I am trying my best here. I didn't know adults would take teasings so hard."

"I am not taking it too seriously," huffed Mirko, "I just don't like guys like you."

"Well, we are not dating," argued Kaminari. "Why are you bothering with something like this? I am here to learn not to be your boyfriend."

"Oy, I just said it, I don't like guys like you. I can already guess that you are the playboy scumbag, I see no need to teach you," she stubbornly insisted.

"Hey, we are not the same age! It was your fault for getting excited by a kid like me!" groaned Kaminari in annoyance, he came all the way here to learn from her.

He never thought that this woman would be so held up on something that he did so long ago to just play around. He didn't even do anything indecent to her, at best it could be some light flirting. At least from his point of view, it was so.

"What the hell kid! You started it!" Mirko argued back.

"I didn't start shit!" retorted Kaminari.

"Heh, yeah right," Mirko isn't convinced by this at all.

So in the end Kaminari smirked, sensed around for any recording devices, and when he found none a smug look makes its way onto his face. "I will tell anyone who asks that you molested me."

"What?!!" Mirko is shocked by this, "no way you will do something like that? No one will believe you!!"

"Heh," Kaminari's smirk widened, he now had to pull out his big guns to get what he wanted, "You're sure about that? I am the guy who everyone sees as the next symbol of peace."

"You sound like some trash villain from a manga!" Yelled out Mirko, even more, annoyed by him now. Never in her life has she met such a shameless young man like Kaminari.

"Yeah? So what? I am here to learn, and I will get what I want no matter what!" He said.

Even Mirko herself could admit that his eyes are resolute on this. 

"Fuuk you kid!" But she still refused to teach someone like him.

"Yeah I would love that, but you won't." He retorted while smiling and looking Mirko over on her hero costume and a leering smile made its way onto his face.

"Huh?" Mirko is weirded out by the smile, "You are thinking something perverse ain't ya?" 

"Nah~ just that you look nice in that hero costume of yours," Kaminari complimented her without an ounce of shame in his voice.

"Brat… you have balls to say something like that straight to my face." Mirko is still annoyed by him even as he says the truth, what annoyed her was that he still acted so confident like everything up till now has gone to his plan.

"Hey~ I have a girlfriend and I am also underage, so please be careful." Said Kaminari bashfully while looking at the ground.

Mirko could now see straight through his act, no way would someone like him even feel a trace of shame. "Tch, I hate slimy people like you the most."

"Hmmm~ really? Hate is a strong word for this," Kaminari smirked, "Wouldn't it be more correct to say that we have a love-love relationship?"

"Nope," answered Mirko without missing a beat.

"Well, I love you and you love yourself. Wouldn't that be called a love-love relationship?" He reasoned.

She gets more annoyed the more Kaminari talks. He can get under the skin of people like her too easily. "Anyway, stop it with the useless banter brat. I will take you as a student."

Hearing her relenting, Kaminari unenthusiastically said. "Yay~ thank you for accepting my request."

"Tch," Mirko is still annoyed by him, "You didn't make a request, you blackmailed brat. What kind of hero are you?"

"An amazing one," he finished, with that smirk on his face that Mirko already knows will make her want to punch him so many times in the future.


Their banter continued back and forth, and eventually, Mirko calms down and learned to see the humor in their talks.

At least it wouldn't be so boring in this place anymore. That is what she thought to console herself as she will be stuck with him for at least a whole week.

She then explained the situation and why she is here. "We will be chasing after a Villain called Blood Rider. He had been seen distributing a certain type of Quirk Enhancing drug."

Kaminari then gets serious too and nods. Thinking in his mind if someone like this appeared in the MHA Manga that he had read in his first life, but nothing came to mind.

"That has created mayhem in the city," continued Mirko, "But not long after that, Heroes were on his trail. He then decided to move to a rural area where Heroes don't usually come… mostly because there is a low amount of villain attacks here and even then it is taken care of by the police, who have guns. Not a lot of Quirks can handle a bullet. So we can assume that he is a coward."

"Or a smart guy who knows his limits," added Kaminari, his brows frowning as he thinks on a plan on how to handle this.

He knows that there was another reason why most heroes won't come to rural areas… it was because of exposure. There will be no exposure, nor any chance for fame here in this place.

Kaminari would have not come to here if he currently was after publicity. But he doesn't plan to get any more exposure for the time being. He plans to learn from Mirko.

The way she moves, talks, walks, how her eyes look and how she smiles. He plans to learn not only martial arts from her but also how to be a natural Hero.

He planned to do some… questionable stuff from now on. So he needed to observe a Hero who pretty much hides nothing, and how she acts. He too plans to become a Hero who 'hides nothing'. After all, when people know someone, they will feel more relieved when they get power.

Of course, he was also there to get some fighting experience from her. He wanted to know how to make the best decision in a split second, that is what fighting experience equates to most of the time.

'One day, there will be people who can keep us with my speed. Maybe not soon, but eventually they will. Quirks always evolve and I have to be on top of it all.' He contemplated, his thoughts going on many different areas as he speeds up his thought process.



Kaminari for the next couple of days followed Mirko everywhere. She continued her investigation.  But it didn't seem to be going anywhere. There were no traces of the Villain Blood Rider. There were some clues that he was here, but not any recent ones.

"Is that bastard gone from here?" Questioned Mirko, annoyed at the situation.

Kaminari drowns at her reaction, while he could learn a thing or two from her… she isn't good at investing at all. She simply can't put herself in the mind of a villain.

He looked at the things around him and analyzes them. He saw what was going on here, clearer than Mirko. So in the end he decided to put his own two cents on this. "We should look into Blood Rider's past some more."

"Hm?" She mentioned him to go on. 

'Well, I guess to be a Hero one doesn't necessarily have to be wise.' Thought Kaminari.

"I am talking about why would he be here? He has some ties to this place, we have been looking at abandoned warehouses, forests, and such things. We are not looking at houses… or other people like a restaurant worker."

"Why would we look there? Villains are like fugitives," Mirko reasoned, normally she would be right. But Kaminari didn't elaborate his thoughts anymore and points around. 

"Let's look at the facts, he was here, that is a fact. There are also no signs of him leaving, so that is a fact also," he explained, while still keeping some things to himself, "We should check with the locals, and you must call over for some documents."

Mirko noded at this, seeing that this could be worth looking into as they have got nothing else going on for their search at the moment.

At the same time, the head of the small police station in the village looks at photos of Mirko and Kaminari. His eyes were more concentrated on the latter. 

The man's eyes turned red for a split second. "This… will be troublesome."

This man was Blood Rider… Quirk: Blood Prophecy, allowed him to see someone else's future by drinking some of their blood.

The Quik has no real combat advantages, and the future images are not clear. But Blood Rider has learned how to read his visions.

"This kid… he wasn't supposed to be here." He pointed at Kaminari's photo.