Chapter 62

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[30+ Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 62

Title: Akira Haruno… just a normal corporate slave...


"Seems likely that Overhaul has learned of our arrival. So he is either preparing a trap for us or running away, neither is something that we can give him time to do." Explains Kaminari as they all enter the building from different entrances. They knock down some walls to make everyone interconnected.

Yakuza things reach them, but within an instant, they are all on the ground, knocked out by electricity. They weren't even able to put up a fight.

The minor heroes and the police feel like they don't have anything to do anymore.

Nighteye finds a piece of paper from one of the Yakuza goons and sees that it is codded. But by using his Quirk, he can discover a secret tunnel running underground.


Red Riot (Kirishima) hardens his body and punches the ground below him.


Making a hole in which he lands through. 

"Let's go!" Orders Nighteye and all the heroes jump down, while the cops stay there to tie up the villains and put them under arrest.

"Be careful, the Yakuza seem to have extreme loyalty towards their leaders." Warns Aizawa.

Countless goons swarm the Heroes again as Aizawa looks at them and his hair floats backward. "I have canceled all of their Quirks."

Kaminari nods at that and releases an electric shock from his palm, one that travels through each of their bodies and knocks them out.

"Bubble Girl, Centipeder, Mr. Brave. Stand back and take care of the taken down criminals." Orders Nighteye, while Izuku, Ochako, Eijiro, Ryukyu, Asui, Nighteye, Aizawa, Kaminari, and the Big 3, keep charging, leaving behind the other low leveled heroes to take care of the downed goons.

Currently, due to Kaminari, they haven't had anything to do. 

'Fighting with him feels like fighting with All Might.' Contemplates Nighteye, just like with All Might who took care of everything in seconds, the same with Kaminari.

That is when they come upon a dead end, but Mirio charges head-on and goes through the wall, immediately coming back up.

"Yes, this is a hastily constructed wall. There is still a walkway behind it." He reports.

Eijiro and Izuku activate their Quirks and bash through the wall.


But as they do that, the hallways in front of them start twisting and the surroundings start changing. Kaminari sees this, frowns, and crouches down.

Iron sand gathers through his fingers and envelopes the hallway. 

"It seems like there is a villain with some kind of territory manipulation Quirk. He is also hidden from us." Informs Kaminari.

"D -Damn, we won't be able to move any further." Tamaki panics at this. But Mirio only gives him a thumbs up and announces.

"I will be going ahead then." He activates his Quirk and charges through the iron sand and into the hallway. No obstacles will prevent him from reaching Eri, so it doesn't matter how the hallway changes, Mirio will go through it all.

'He mustn't lose his Quirk.' Kaminari is more resolved as he sees this. He can't get a trace of the villain, meaning that he has fused with the walls and most likely also taken the Quirk enhancing drug.

'I can't waste any more time here… I must move forward.' Kaminari then penetrates a part of his iron sand through the walls and creates spikes through every single wall around them. "Tch, I can't catch him."

But it is unsuccessful, this annoys him, but he can't do anything in the end. He can't just destroy everything around him since it would bring the whole building down. 

Kaminari though suddenly smiles, as his electromagnetic senses pick up three quite strong individuals below him. His iron sand wasn't to just catch the trap culprit but to also send signals for him and widen his sensing range.


A large discharge of electricity is transferred down there, but Kaminari's eyes widen in shock. "Something is absorbing my electricity…"


This surprised the others too.

"There are three… no, there likely is a 4th person down there. One that I can't sense, who can also absorb my electricity." Kaminari explains to everyone. "I am gonna open a hole and I want Aizawa -sensei to step in and cancel that man's Quirk immediately."

Everyone nods at that. 


He creates a hole underneath them by using his iron sand, but at the same time, he also keeps everyone else safe by having them flat in his iron sand. They see three people, one is wearing a cloth over his head and has a giant mouth, another is a bald buff man covered in crystals, and the last is a blonde man wearing a bird beak mask.

The three of them look at the heroes, but before anyone can react. Kaminari's eyes go towards another man in here, he is wearing a fast-food uniform with a yellow shirt, jeans, and a red cap. The man seems to be tied up and leaning against the wall, holding his head down. The only thing that stands out about him is his silver hair.

The villains are the first to attack, but unluckily for them. With the heroes lined up in front of them, they stand no chance. Izuku is the first to react, kicking the big-mouthed one on the chin, shutting its mouth, and the man's brain rockets inside his head, knocking him out.

He goes after the blond man too, with the bird beak mask, and kicks him behind his head, also knocking him out.

The last man has crystals all over his body, that act as defense and attack. But Kirishima uses his to punch through the man's defense, knocking him out. 

Aizawa then uses his Quirk on the tied-up young man, just to make sure. 

Kaminari still has his eyes glued to the young man who looks up and an eerie similar face looks back.

"Ehh, doesn't that look like Kaminari?" Nejire whispers to Ochako, who agrees.

"Who are you?" Asks Nighteye, looking the young man straight in the eyes, gets close and almost touches the young man, intending to activate his Quirk, but in the end, he shakes his head. 'No, better wait for the leader of Shie Hassaikai. Can't just go using it on some random guy.'

Though his Quirk is powerful and people don't know how it's used. But a Quirk like this has very hard limitations, as it can only be used for one hour, and then it will have to recharge for 24 hours. Also, Nighteye must touch the face of the target and look them in the eyes. But in the end, he decided to use it on the man in front of him, since he wasn't within his vision at all. But as he is about to do so, Kaminari appears and grabs Nighteye's wrist. 

"Sir, we must move on." Says Kaminari. "It seems like the man is just someone caught up with this whole mess."

The silver-haired young man smiles at them brightly and says. "Welcome to McD*nalds, may I take your order?"

"He is another type of brainwashed." Comments Aizawa.

"Ahhh!" Suddenly the young man yells. "Sorry!! I was only here to deliver food, I didn't think that I would be captured by villains. I am just a minimum wage employee, please don't imprison me!! I can even give you a gift card for the establishment that I work in. My Quirk is also Regeneration and I get by on two hours of sleep a day, the only crime that I am at fault is being part of a corporate slavery and working eighteen hours a day!!"

"Sheesh, he talks a lot." Complains Ryukyu.

"We have to move on, can someone stay behind with him and look out for the knocked-out villains?" Kaminari gets straight to the point here.

Ryukyu is the one to volunteer. "I will stay, my Quirk isn't good in enclosed spaces like this and I will only get in the way of the others."

The others nod and go away, leaving her behind with the eerily similar-looking Kaminari.

"Woah, who would have thought that I would be spending time with one of the Top 10 Heroes." The young man has an excited smile on his face. "By the way, my name is Akira Haruno, hope that we can get along."

"Hmmm… you are quite talkative, but not a bad young man." Comments Ryukyu, a smile makes her way to her face at this. 

"Yep, I have never done a bad deed in my life." Says Akira. But he suddenly cringes as if he remembers something. "Well… except burning that place down."

That is when he remembers he is in the presence of a Hero, and Ryukyu looks at him like a hawk. "Oh~ vandalism? So you aren't as innocent as I thought."

"Ahhh!! I didn't mean to say that out loud!!" Akira seemingly panicked at this. "I am just your average corporate slave please forgive me!!"

He is tied up so by moving around he falls on the ground and moves around like a worm trying to stand up. 

"Uhhh… miss Ryukyu, can you help me get up?" Asks Akira, with a pitiful look on his face.

*sigh* She sighs and helps him up. 'He is brutally honest, even saying things that will make him seem bad. But he still isn't that bad.'

Suddenly, he slips "accidentally" and he lands on Ryukyu's chest. He still has the decency to say. "Oh no~ such a bad accident~"

Even she could tell that was a bad lie, so she pulls him up to her level and look him in the eye. Her eyes cold and dragon eyes. "Really now~"

"Ahahahaha… uhhh… miss Ryukyu, can you be a little softer, my head feels like it's gonna crack." Complains Akira.

"Well, you have a Regeneration Quirk, so I shouldn't worry too much about it."

On the other hand, Kaminari and crew are traveling, flying through the hallway in his iron sand pile. But around them, the terrain is not changing at all.

"He is probably working against the people upstairs. Also, it must mean that he can use his Quirk only one area at a time." Theorizes Aizawa, looking around for the culprit, but they can't find him as he is fused with the building.


A pillar appears from the wall and tries to hit Aizawa. But Kaminari creates an iron sand sphere around his teacher.


He is pushed through the wall, Eijiro and Fat Gum go through the wall too and see that two villains are waiting for them.

One of them is a very large, muscular man with long, light brown hair. His face is hidden beneath the plague mask given to him, and he dons a tattered t-shirt and dark pants covered by a light blue tunic and decorated with two belts. He is Kendo Rappa.

The other is a tall, slim man with short, spiky hair of a pale color. He has straight, dark eyebrows and thin eyes, he has his eyes closed. He wears a traditional dark-colored yukata with a pair of geta on his feet, a long white piece of cloth acting as a belt around his waist. He is Hekiji Tengai (Quirk: Barrier).

Rappa smirks at this. "Heh, let's fight a manly-"


A pillar of iron sand goes to hit him, but a yellow barrier appears and stops it. Hekiji winces at this. 'What a strong attack…'

That is when Kaminari comes in and looks at them all with a dangerous look in his eyes. "Oh~ it seems like we have some leftover trash~"


A/N: Ya know, the guy complaining about being a corporate slave is...