Chapter 68

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[30+ Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 68

Title: Hanging Out...


Momo looks at Kaminari confused as he takes a deep breath and touches his chest above his heart. "Are you hurt somewhere?"

Kaminari parts her head, making her blush slightly. "Momo, if one day I act bad against you. Can you remind me of this moment?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" She pouts at him, confused why he would say something like this.

"Nothing… just a little precaution." Kaminari smiles slightly and ruffles her hair.

"Hey~ stop it, do you know how long it takes to fix my hair this way?" She pouts trying to push him away. 

But Kaminari is having none of this as he has his hand slide under her shirt. 

"W -Wait! What if someone sees us?" They were on the road to U.A academy, and Momo is a little panicked at this.

But Kaminari has a heart of steel as he still takes action and starts making out with her. "C'mon now~ no need to worry about this, just go with the flow."

"Uhn~" Momo moans in confirmation.


Half an hour later and they are in the dorms. Asui notices somethings strange and she speaks her mind. "Why is Momo so flushed?"

Everyone in the common room pays attention to them, and Momo looks at them and blushes in embarrassment.

Kaminari on the other hand is casual. "I just explained to her what maid cafes are, and it rocked her world."

Everyone here thinks that it might be a little weird and usually unbelievable. But this is Momo they are talking about, the girl who is smart, but naive about some common things.

So not to intrude in her life and make her uncomfortable, everyone lets go of the subject.

"See, I told you that everyone would understand. No need to try and seem perfect, we are all friends here." Kaminari plays his act all the way, while Momo only nods.

'I can't believe I am lying to so many of my friends.' She contemplates, looking at her classmates before running back to her room.

Kaminari only smiles as he watches her run up the stairs. 'Nice asś…'

Minata looks at Kaminari with an empty look in his eyes. "This can't be happening!!" 

His yell suddenly alerts everyone as they look at him. "I want a HAREM!!"

Asui shrugs at this. "Mineta is up to his usual shenanigans." 

Everyone else also ignores his hysterical cries as he looks at Kaminari and starts muttering curses. 

Bakugo comes down to the common room and sees what is going on. "Why is grape hair staying such stupid sh*t? Has he finally gone mad?"

"Only I can see the truth!" Mineta yells while pointing at the others. "You are all stupid."

'Well, he isn't wrong on that.' Kaminari agrees with that internally. 'But who would believe that the usually sophisticated Momo would be making out with me. I am the guy who only knows how to train and is "dense"...'

As he thinks of these, Kaminari goes and gets some green tea for himself as he watches the show happening in front of him. He takes a straw to drink his tea as he has Todoroki, who is also watching by the side cool his tea down. 

'Ice tea is nice…' Thinks Kaminari as he stands to the side with Todoroki. "So, I heard that you passed the retake of the Provisional Exam. Was it hard?"

"No, not really. It was just making some kids behave." He explains. "We had that one girl who was impersonated by a villain with us too. She was helpful."

'Probably talking about Camie.' Kaminari can figure out who was in the exam. 'She was a cutie, if it wasn't for Toga being such a b*tch, I would have met her.'

Of course, he wouldn't have done anything with Camie. But Kaminari feels like he has the right to be a little salty due to the huge hit that he suffered during the Provisional Exam.

Mina comes into the chaos and starts kicking things around, apparently she was mad at something. 

Jirou then starts her Quirk to create sound waves to knock out Mineta since he was annoying.

Ojiro comes and joins Todoroki and Kaminari, though he doesn't have his tea iced. "Kaminari, can you charge my phone?"

The Flash Hero points his finger at Ojiro's phone and immediately fills it at 100% battery. "Thanks."

He then starts looking through some news articles on his phone. "The Yakuza story is still big news, and the Hero Agencies are milking it for all its worth."

Todoroki inputs his thoughts on the situation. "Yeah, usually they get grilled at every small mishap. So having such a big mission end perfectly, no one was ruffling feathers." 

"Well, there are still some people who complain that Overhaul killed his subordinates and that we should have stopped it." Kaminari sighs.

That is when Kirishima joins them. "Can you ice my tea Todoroki?"

Todoroki cools the tea and makes some ice cubes for Kirishima. That is when the latter also shows his phone to Kaminari.

One small lighting bolt later and it's at full battery. Kaminari can instantly charge phones fully due to the control over his Quirk, so people usually ask him to charge them… just like they ask Todoroki to cool down their drinks.

"Yeah, if I was you Kaminari I wouldn't worry what some ice flake activists say." Says Eijiro. "They just have nothing better to do."

"Yes, they are hipsters." Adds Todoroki.

*pfft* Ojiro tries to hold in his laughter once he hears Todoroki say that.

"Nah, I am not worried about them. I know that I did the best I could do at that time." Kaminari on the other hand is relaxed and smiles, reassuring his friends that he is not feeling down due to a small number of people.


The next day is also chaotic as Aizawa has everyone try and make something for the Cultural Festival. Since Class 1-A has been shining so brightly during the Sports Festival, the other courses also get their time to shine. 

Plus due to Class 1-A… they have caused a lot of trouble in general, so the other courses don't like them too much. After all, Villain Attacks, Bakugo, and Kaminari's kidnapping and so much more.

So Aizawa made that point when some Class 1-A students asked why they would do bother with something lame like this… *cough* Bakugo *cough*. 

Kaminari has every student's suggestions into account.

In the end, there are many suggestions. Momo is the 2nd in command of the class after Kaminari takes off some suggestions that they couldn't accomplish. Like, Martial Arts Tournaments (Suggested by Ojiro), Arm Wrestling Tournament (Kirishima), Boobs (Mineta), and some others that the class simply couldn't accomplish.

"How about a concert?" Proposes Kaminari as he acts like he is working on some ideas, but he is just staring at some blank documents. 

Though the class can't see it, Momo can, so she looks at him suspiciously.

He gives her a look that says. 'What? It makes me look smart.'

She only sighs at this and in the end, Kaminari continues explaining his "hard thought" idea. "We have Jirou who can play almost any instrument, while Bakugo can play the drums, I can play the guitar, and Mina can dance, and teach some other how to dance too."

He then points at the empty pile of documents and says. "This was all of the research that I did to figure this out. So if anyone knows how to play instruments that I don't know about, please come forward."

'How shameless!' Momo pouts. 'He just said that he has everything about them in these documents, but they are all empty.'

She felt like she was indirectly helping him in his scheme.


Later on, everyone accepts that even the embarrassed Jirou decides that she will take part in the concert. Well, she also suggested that idea too, so she is the main ingredient in the show.

Also, Mina figures out that Midoriya's terrific talent for dancing, meaning that he can't do it at all. Even with the surprisingly good dancing teacher that Mina is, she couldn't teach him.

Kaminari also notices the rise of a new villain during this time. One that… was called Gentle Criminal. He did some research on him and he is a somewhat famous Hero with a very big dislike to like ratio in his videos.


In the afternoon, Aizawa told him that Eri had requested to meet Kaminari, Nighteye, and Mirio since they were the people who saved her.

Mirio and Nighteye were already here and comforting the little girl in the hospital.


The doors are suddenly opened. "I come through the door like a Hero!!"

And Kaminari comes through in his school uniform with a Hero pose. "Hello, there Eri!! I am Denki Kaminari, also known as the Hero Flash!"

He gives her a thumbs up, everyone looks at him with serious faces… so he buckles under pressure and falls to his knees, a depressing aura arund him. "That… was so lame…"

 But by seeing this, for the first time in her life, Eri smiles…


A/N: This chapter was mostly to show the dynamics of the class and how Kaminari isn't always just planning and scheeming. Sometimes he just chills with his friends.