Chapter 78

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N


[30+ Chapters in Advance on Patreòn]



Chapter 78

Title: Meta Liberation Army


After killing his clone, Kaminari can't help but feel another feeling other than a little sadness… he feels relief. In the back of his mind, he always expected Akira to betray him one day. That is why he never told him who Akira really was… or more correctly what he was…

The clone escaped from a hospital, but there was never even a mention of a fire or giant explosion from the area. Nor was there any signs of the Doctor and the villains searching for him. So that kind of put Kaminari on edge, he wasn't Omnipotent, he didn't know everything.

After much investigation, Kaminari came to the conclusion. 'He wasn't a mole, nor was he an informant for the doctor. Nor was he a non-informed mole that didn't even know what he was doing. I kept Akira around for one reason… feeding incorrect information to my enemies in case they were observing me from some method that they didn't know. I want to make myself appear weak where I am strong, and appear strong where I was weak.'

Kaminari feels like Shigaraki is no longer a major threat since the man will attack head-on most of the time. But the doctor is different, he never fights head-on and when Toga was able to injure him… that is when the clones started being created. So Kaminari's assumption is that the doctor put them to it and planned the whole thing on how to immobilize and injure Kaminari. 

'Sadly for him, he wasn't able to figure out how my Quirk worked since none of my clones have the ability to control iron sand and other electrically conductive metals.' Contemplates Kaminari. 'So he must have tried to get a mole on the inside, one like Akira who even he couldn't control freely. The moment I figured what was going on was when I was questioning Akira since the 1st time… the electrical signals from his brain were strange, I thought that it was most likely clone signals, but I prepared for the worst… which never came to be true.'

He already had taken measures even for something that could have happened.

As he thinks that Kaminari manipulates his electricity and a knife appears in his hand. Using it like a scalpel, he goes towards Akira's eyes… and started slowly cutting up the clone, trying to confirm his hypothesis.


Slowly, only a pool of blood is left and finally, as Akira's face is disfigured, there is a small plastic chip inside the bone of his nose. "Well... it seems like I was wrong." Kaminari looks at the small chip in his hand, which had been injected in Akira's stem part of the brain.

"Heh, what a smart man," Kaminari smirks. Seeing the chip was made out of plastic, he couldn't sense it. 'It was most likely made to fool the clone since he had the electric signal sense Quirk too. But it also worked against me, not knowing that I can do the same thing with just my Quirk. I knew something was strange the moment I saw that my clone was better at spreading an electromagnetic sense field than me when we tried to sense any cameras around.'

Kaminari slowly started to piece everything together. "Thankfully I never told him how to use his Quirk as I do."

'Well, at least this way, the doctor has multiple wrong leads to go on… and sadly for him… I was already spying on him too.' Kaminari can access and erase himself from camera recordings, so he also knew how to spy on the Doctor from the cameras at the hospital he works at. Even his personal cameras to observe the new High-End Nomu have been hacked. 'What a neat new ability. Thanks to Akira, I have been able to use my Quirk differently and have already long since surpassed his usage. Even if he has a Quirk especially for camera espionage. I copied him… but no rule says that a copy can't be better than the original.'

Slowly electricity leaks out of Kaminari's body and it builds up around Akira's corpse. The heat released from it starts burning the body and Kaminari goes to open the window to release the fume. 

"Don't worry Akira, while the world won't remember you… I will." Kaminari gives a reassurance prayer to his clone. 'Damn… so that is how we will all inevitably end?'

Some new ambitions are born inside his heart. His endless 'normal' human greed shows its head once more. He wonders if this is how he will also end up.

For a split second, his true feelings are shown on the outside and a chilling cold look appears on his face and his eyes turn dark.


Since the day he killed his clone. Kaminari spent training to take his mind off his inevitable death. Which could happen soon or even decades into the future. 

But in the end, he still stays quiet on this and keeps these feelings of his under control like he always has. Showing one's true emotions expresses weakness, that is how the real world works sadly because nothing will be fixed by crying about it.

"[So join our Detnerat customer base, so no matter what Quirk you have, you will get new and fashionable clothes for yourself!]" But he looks at the commercial on his TV. 

His thoughts on the thing unreadable and in the end, he smirks. He then changes the channel. "Strange sights of dismembered fingers have been found all across Japan. It is unidentifiable who they belong to, but they belong to the same person."

'Everything is going along as it was supposed to.' Contemplates Kaminari. 'Well… at least in some way… as everything is gonna change from now on.'

"Kaminari~ you there~" Momo's voice comes from the front door, and he immediately turns off the TV.

"Yeah," he answers casually before going to lay down on his bed. 

She enters his room and frowns while looking at his bed. "It's smaller than I thought."

"Trust me, it's bigger than it seems."

"Hm?" She is confused by Kaminari's snickers.

"The bed," he clarifies. "I was just telling you that the bed is bigger than it seems and it can fit us both when we start. No one around me is in their rooms."

Momo seems embarrassed by this, and a little unsure. 


Kaminari gets up and appears in front of her, his hand touching her face. "Don't worry about this… you trust me right?"

Momo meekly nods, her heart racing at what she is about to do.

"Leave everything to me…" Kaminari's whispers reassure her and he smiles at this.



At the same time, in another place, Shigaraki looks at the man in front of him. He has a big nose and a receding hairline. He is Re-Destro, another villain with great ambition, but unlike Shigaraki he hides in plain sight and has over 100,000 members in his Meta Liberation Army.

"You are ballsy, I will give you that." Says Re-Destro, a smirk on his face while looking at Shigaraki.

Toga was on the ground, blood around her so she seemed half dead, Compres also had his mechanical arm ripped to shreds.

*huff* *huff* 

Shigaraki has a mad look in his eyes while looking at Re-Destro who hadn't even started using his Quirk, but he is surrounded by thousands of his subordinates who helped him so he didn't need to even get serious here.

"You want to destroy everything." Clarifies Re-Destro. "You act like a mad dog, so you will get put down like one."

"Y -You bastard!!" Shigaraki is angry at this.




A/N: No... things are not gonna play as cannon.