Chapter 94

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N




Chapter 94

Title: If I don't like something then I...


-Kaminari POV-

"Hm~ I need your cooperation on this," I said to Kanou with a mischievous smile on my face while we walked towards the hospital. I truly did, you can't expect someone to be able to do everything by himself. 

I would never use my Overhaul Quirk publicly unless I am in some inescapable and bad situation. This thing must be kept quiet about and would be my little trump card. When I find myself in an inescapable situation I can pull out this one.

Also through some self-experimentation, I could make certain parts of my body smaller or bigger and even directly add the chemicals on my body that made me hard even directly after intercourse. Overhaul truly waisted his Quirk by becoming a Villain.

"The kids have been quite excited to meet up with you." Blurted the doctor with a happy smile on his face, he truly seemed content at that moment. 

"I can't wait to meet them all. I will show them some cool moves." I proclaimed, lying through my teeth, I didn't like meeting children like this, it reminds me too much of myself and what could have been. 

I also agreed to do this meeting because Doctor Kanou was just too useful. Usually, I would find someone like him a liability since he knows too much, but then again, I had things in place in case he betrayed me. Of course unlikely, but it is better to hope for the best while preparing for the worst.

Eventually, I would need people that I could trust, Doctor Kanou was perfect for this. Someone I could ask to perform a dubious surgery, and he wouldn't ask any questions about it and just do his job. A man of wonders indeed, I didn't know if it was trust in me or lack of curiosity that kept the man so uncaring about my reasons. But I couldn't ask him questions, as he wouldn't ask me either.


The trucks full of toys arrived and unpacked over thirty boxes. I offered to go and help, but Kanou said that we could leave to the unpaid interns. Some of them gave me the stink eye, having to carry all of them.

I acted like I didn't notice any of that and innocently looked around, blatantly ignoring them.

Oh, and as I was thinking about such things, I finally arrived at the hospital, and as soon as I did so, countless kids came out of their rooms to look at me with eyes full of wonder and childlike innocence.

"Oh, look it's Flash!!"

"Woah! So cool!"

"Look at his hair it's so cool!"

*hic* "I have no hair due to cancer…" one of the kids cried which broke my heart. 

The child was pale, thin and his eyes had sunken. A nurse was right next to him to help the young child walk, he couldn't have been older than six… this world can truly be unfair.

I was about to go and console him, but another kid came out, he looked like your average bully and said, "Don't worry Yoji, at least you will get your hair back once you get better. I was born without hair due to my Quirk, bahahaha!"

The kid surprisingly lightened up the situation and the kid with cancer also smiled, happy at the words of encouragement from his friends.

I was happy as I saw that, but what I couldn't like was how these kids were sick. I just… didn't like it. 

Most people would look at it and think that this is how the world worked while pitying the children, thinking that there was nothing that they could do. 

Some of the more pragmatic ones would say that this is nature's way of stopping human overpopulation. 

But I was different, I was no longer the weak man I once was in my 1st life. This time I had actual power. So with all this power… the next course of action was obvious. When I wouldn't like something about the world, then I will just change it.

A simple solution so to say, one that many had before me. But none of them could back it up, I looked at my bandaged hands and clenched them. 

I wouldn't try and save everyone in the world, I wasn't that selfless. You can't expect a man to give his life to other people. But I will save all these kids! Why? Because I don't like it, that is all there is to it. If I don't like something anymore I could change it.

A Hero? Huh… I guess I can be considered a real one. No matter if it was just to make myself feel better, the result was all that mattered.

At the end of the day, I took photos, videos, and autographs with all of the kids, and the strange feeling in my heart had settled down. 

Plus when the toys came to each kid's room, it became quite a happy occasion for them, though I had also gotten every kid some electronic games, that is what they cared about the most. The toys were there for the adults to think differently. Which kid plays with toys nowadays? Phones are way better.


-General POV-

After Kaminari spent the whole day with the children, he had a resolute look as his eyes were once again ignited with the flame of ambition as he walked out of the hospital at night with Doctor Kanou.

"Doctor, it seems like we have a new duty to take on now." Said Kaminari, his eyes having the same glint of greed that was very familiar in his 1st life. 'My decision is clear now… I was hesitant for nothing. I have the power now, so what is the point of having it if I don't use it?!'

His decision became final, in the end, he decided not to deny himself the greed inside of him. So what if it devoured the world? At least that way he wouldn't regret things and think of what could have been. 

"Well, as you know Kaminari, whatever you decide to do then I will help you." Said the Doctor with his usual gentle smile. Kaminari wondered if the doctor got this smile from training in front of a mirror, it was just too perfect. A faker can tell another faker. But he decided to not mention anything about it. 

Instead, he asked, "Doctor Kanou, would you be willing to trade the life of a criminal villain for the life of a child?"

Kanou stopped on his tracks once he heard that, and his brows furrowed. The question baffled the doctor. As a doctor, his answer would be obvious every lie is equal and he can't take sides. But as a compassionate man… the answer is a resounding Yes. Everyone considered Villains as the trash of the world and even if a Hero killed one of them, no one would mind that much.

"I will think about this," in the end Kanou couldn't decide immediately. 

He knew that answering a question like this half-heartedly isn't something one should do with the young man in front of him.

Kaminari nodded, he understood how the Doctor thought and could guess his thought process on the matter. 'Right, I will need to make him think that this was his idea.'

"Then see you soon Doctor," Kaminari walked out of the gates and casually waved.

To use his Electrification Quirk, Kaminari had spent countless hours studying the biology of the human body. But even then he wouldn't call himself a doctor because he had no deep knowledge of sickness, cancerous cells, or such things. He knew how the human body worked, but not how to treat illnesses, he didn't need that to learn how to better use his Quirk so he hadn't wasted time on it.

As he thought of different things,  his bandaged hands twitched just at the thought of the situation. 

'I will change things that I don't like!' Thought Kaminari as he clenched his bandaged hands. 'Experimentation in real human bodies is needed for me to be able to use this Quirk perfectly.'


At the same time in Tartarus, 500 meters (~1600ft) underwater, All For One, looked worried as he sensed one of the guards who looked at him through the one-way mirror.

'That brat… how many people does he have keeping a look on me?' Wondered All For One.

Every second that he started learning how to use the 'gift' that Kaminari gave him made him feel like he was being watched.