Chapter 103

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N




Chapter 103

Title: Instinctual Fear


"Hahahah!" All For One laughed out loudly, as he came to a realization, "Damn, why am I reacting like this to an injured kid. I must admit, Kaminari Denki, you are one of the scariest people I have ever met. But you are still human."

"Shut it, you two-bit villain!!" Yelled Bakugo, he had an on-guard posture and Kirishima also was on full-on guard. The others had also come to their senses too, and Todoroki created huge pillars of ice that came out of the ground and formed a wall around us.

Sero uses his tapes to pull Kirishima into our side of the barrier.


But it didn't last long as All For One shot some blasts that easily destroyed the ice pillars. 

"Nice, as expected of Endeavor's son." He said, a smirk on his face, even though he easily destroyed the wall of ice, he acted like it was impressive. "So how about it, I will let everyone live if you give Kaminari to me right now. He is not as good of a guy as you think. Sounds like a fair deal right?"

"Sure," said Bakugo without missing a beat. He pointed at the injured Kaminari and said. "Go and take him."

"Oy! Bakugo!! What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Sero was mad at him, and the rest of the class, even the terrified Mineta whose legs were shaking, came forward and they all formed a barrier around Kaminari.

All For One had a smile as he levitated forward, and as he got close to Bakugo who was at the front, his eyes shadowed and he was unreadable.


Suddenly a huge explosion engulfed All For One, but as the dust cleared he didn't have a scratch on him as a yellow barrier surrounded him.

"Tch," Bakugo was annoyed, he had planned for All For One to get close to him and then he would be blown away. He planned to have All For One drop his guard down even slightly. He knew just how strong the villain that they were facing was, and since Kaminari was injured their chances of dealing with someone like this are quite low and there are even possibilities that some of them could lose their Quirks. 'If only Kaminari was healed up, then we would have a decent chance at winning this fight.'

He knew his chances of winning were small, but he can't give up now because he wants to be a hero after all. Still, as he charges towards All For One.


The villain's fingers elongate and like spikes go to pierce Bakugo's body. But he uses his explosions to maneuver himself out of the way, while Mineta throws his sticky balls toward the spiky whip-like fingers, locking them in place as Kirishima jumps up and grabs into them and gets himself stuck. 

"Hahaha," he laughed, still in his Unbreakable Form, "C'mon now, try retracting your fingers Potato Head, I will bash your face in."

"...." All For One didn't say anything to Kirishima's provocations. Instead he just moved his other hand and pointed it behind him. 

A wall of earth morphs from the ground and in that instant, from the sky, a couple of rockets appear.


They crash into the earth wall, obliterating the structure and engulfing One For All in the explosion too.

"[Villain, step down and surrender or we will be forced to take drastic measures.]" A robotic voice rang through the school grounds.

The dust cleared out and AFO is healthy as a fiddle, there was not even a scratch on him. He smirked as he heard the robotic voice. "Well, you can come and try to stop me Heroes…"

Though as he said that, even more rockets come out of the clouds. 

"How troublesome." That was his only comment on the situation, as he looked at Kirishima and the latter paled, guessing what the villain was about to do.

Just like he predicted, All For One moved his elongated fingers and put Kirishima in front of the explosions. Sero used this split moment to wrap All For One in bandages and swing the villain aground.

But the charade doesn't last long as All For One said. "Hahahaha, you guys are quite amusing-"

But the man's words got stuck in his throat as the rockets maneuvered around Kirishima and directly went for All For One.


Before the explosion could settle down, many helicopters descended from above the clouds. Also strangely, they were all quiet in their movements due to a Silencing Quirk being applied to them.

Nezu was in one of the helicopters and he kept giving orders and several coordinates at where to shoot the missiles. It was an aerial attack that All For One could do nothing about as not only were they too far away for anything, but also Quirk users were amongst them with a myriad of different Quirks that are suited for military purposes.

That was when Kaminari pulled his body up, he looked more like a zombie than a normal living human, his hunched back, ripped-off clothes and the missing flesh in his chest made him seem like an already dead man.

"Don't move! Or you could injure yourself beyond repair!" Yelled out Momo in worry, she was too afraid to even stop him as he might be killed by a simple touch.

Kaminari's figure was simply too pitiful from what everyone else was used to seeing. His confident back which once inspired confidence to the ones behind him, making him seem like an unbeatable force. But now seeing all of this, everyone understood that at the end of the day, Kaminari too was just another human.

Without his Electrification Quirk, he wasn't anywhere near strong enough to fight All For One 1v1 even if he was in top condition. He had no dreams of grandeur, nor will he throw his life away.

"Sometimes… a Hero has to show off," mumbled Kaminari, only those close to him could hear it, and even All For One who was confident suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

The Villain didn't understand why he was suddenly all afraid again, even though he knew that Kaminari was now just a Quirkless and injured teen. 

Kaminari noticed that All For One was feeling scared and the trauma from his torture back in prison was flaring up. Kaminari was nowhere near nice enough to let something like this go unused. 

"Well, it seems like our villain lost its grip after seeing that his sneak attack victim was less injured than he thought." He mocked All For One, seemingly being full of confidence even if he seemed like a dead man walking. 

The villain felt his heart start beating faster and his body grew weak as a feeling of nausea surrounded his being. It wasn't any physical attack, none of the students could reach him even if they tried, plus even they were shocked as they noticed how scared All For One seemed to be. Kaminari was half dead, but just by standing up, he stopped a villain that seemed to be able to easily curb stomp them all.

"You damn bastard!!" The usually calm and cool-headed All For One screamed to the top of his lungs, suddenly a storm seemed to gather about as if the place was suddenly hit by a tornado. Debris flew everywhere, and the center of the stop was all gathered at All For One's palm, "DIE YOU BRAT!!"