Chapter 110 (The End)

Chapter 110

Title: The END...


As the TV turned on, a very familiar face popped on. It was the Joker, and unlike his usual antics, he seemed a little happier than usual. "Hello there people of the world. Nice to meet you, if you do or don't know me, then it doesn't matter, what matters is my ambition."

He then turned the camera around and there was a woman tied to a chair, she was struggling to get out but couldn't. His smile seemed to widen even further at the sight of the struggling1 woman. "Anyway, remember the U.A Attack recently, yeah I know, big deal and all that. But the villains in there were all taken down and no student casualty was found. Well, I too was there and met a special young man… a VERY special young man!!"

His eyes showed a madness never seen before as he talked about this young man so enthusiastically. "Anyway, now that he has woken up from his beauty sleep, I want to play a little hide and seek with him. Every day I will kidnap one person, for each day that he doesn't find them, that one person will be killed. Pretty good deal right? P.S: I don't care about other heroes, they are fakes and should die in a ditch. So come to me Flash, fight me with all you got."

And so the TV turned off, this scene was displayed all over Japan and immediately after that the news sources. 

Mirko turned around to look for her student, but he wasn't in his hospital bed. Having already taken off to go and rescue the woman.


'Like always, the world is stuck in time and colorless.' Though Kaminari as he ran at top speeds through some remote areas of Tokyo, slowly his form changed, his hair became green and slicked backward, his face became white like paint, and his lips red as if they were tainted with blood. The clothes turned into his purple suit too… this was The Clown of Chaos… the Joker…

Kaminari was the Joker too, this was the decision that had come to. All along he had been choosing the hero side because he knew it was the winning side. But now he could see clearly, there was no reason to not choose both. The Villain Joker and the Hero Flash will be bound as eternal enemies, always fighting against each other, every great hero needs their great villain. 

If someone wanted to do bad to Kaminari and kill him, then they would have to go and get help or team up with Joker. If someone wanted to help take down the villain Joker, then you needed Kaminari's help as he will be the one who fought against him the most. A paradox of safety, that was what he was aiming at, and after all this time, Kaminari came to the true conclusion in his life. No one else mattered, after all, he could see the truth now. By using his and quirks, he would steal quirks and keep copies of the same Quirk. He had been in a 'coma' for so long because he needed quirks like Overhaul, Eraser, Body Time Reversal (Eri's Quirk), Future Sight (Nighteye's Quirk), Premination (Mirio's Quirk), and many more Quirks. He got rid of things like Air Bullet and such, since keeping them would only burden his body needlessly, they don't offer any strength that he didn't have already.

Kaminari was of course in a 'coma' during this so no one would suspect him. No one knew what happened or that it even happened at all. The perfect crime had been committed, finally, he felt the safety that he liked.

Years passed on, Kaminari and those of his generation completed U.A, and Joker's presence became something of a terrifying existence as he was as unpredictable as always. The only thing that he seemed to care about was killing The Number One Hero, Thunder Flash, also known as Kaminari Denki, the young man would always have a whole investigation case every day to try and save the person that Joker would kidnap. 

But even with all of this, the man would be able to get married, have children, and everything a normal person would be able to do. Even though he was never able to rest any day, people pitied him, especially in cases like when Joker gathered an army of Villains to have them attack the man's wedding to Momo Yaoyorozu a fellow Hero, who at one time was able to become number 6 Hero before retiring at an early age to take care of her family, everyone knew that Joker had exposed the identity of each of Kaminari's family member, putting them at risk.

Everyone saw the situation for what they thought it was, Joker never wanted the Number 1 Hero to be happy, though the latter seemed to have found his happiness.


Kaminari looked at his young child who just was about to enter U.A, unlike his younger years Kaminari's body was different. He was now built like a tank that was shown by his body-tight hero suit, it was yellow-red with a black lightning symbol in his chest part. He had changed it many times and will continue to do so, but no one seemed to mistake him for another hero. 

His son was taller than when he was at his age and his body was better built, he had his father's iconic hair but his mother's eyes, and Kaminari could easily admit that his son was better looking than he was at that age. But due to the countless Quirks that he had had, some were cosmetically improving Quirks. 

'A person decides their initial opinion of someone in 10 seconds, a good smile and looks will help one immensely. The least I can do to my kids is give them this since I am too selfish to give them any of my power.' Contemplated Kaminari, while his children had alternatives to his Quirk, he never taught them how to use it to their potential. 

His son seemed a little nervous at this, which looked awkward since the young man seemed older than he looked. So Kaminari patted his head. "Don't worry Joichiro, I can assure you that you are way above your peers."

"N -No, it's not that father, it's just that I am afraid I won't be able to live up to their expectations," gulped Joichiro, having grown up with the Number 1 Hero wasn't easy for him. Everyone always expected him to be his father's second coming, but he wasn't at all like his father. He was shy, easily flustered, and wasn't good under stressful situations. Something that everyone said that his father excelled at… Kaminari wasn't even a bad father as he always seemed to find time to cook for his children in the morning and be at their big events even when he was busy with the whole Joker thing.

"Don't worry about that son, just be yourself, you don't have to become like me. Honestly, it would make me feel better if you didn't even become a Hero. But I respect your wishes Joichiro," chimed Kaminari, smiling at his son. But it didn't last long as an army of reporters were charging at him, but a helicopter suddenly came out of nowhere.

Joichiro looked and saw his mother was piloting it. 

"Oh! Is that God Flash?!!" Called out by a parent from the crowd, Kaminari used to have many hero names, but everyone knew who he was talking about. "That is his wife, Creation Hero!!"

Joichiro took this chance to slip on the crowd entering U.A when he accidentally bumped into a small figure. He looked down and saw a yellow-haired girl, the kind of yellow that reminded him of his father, once he looked at her eyes he saw that her pupils were yellow with the white of the eye being dark. She was quite well developed and Joichiro couldn't help the blush that came to his face once he helped her up.

"Sorry about that." He apologized, "You are so small that I didn't see you."

The girl smiled at his apology but frowned at the latter part. "I am not even short. You are just too tall."

"I -I didn't mean it that way!!" He stuttered in nervousness and clasped her hands.

The girl wasn't amused by this at all. "Screw off rude bastard." 

Joichiro sighed at this, once more he had said the wrong thing. His social ability was not very good. If he went by game terms, if his father had a Maxed out Charisma stat of 100, then he would be a 1… at best… 

Thankfully he had his good looks to thank that his social inability hadn't gotten him in trouble. 


When he went to his Class 1-A, he saw many unfamiliar faces. But some were familiar too, like a green-haired girl with freckles, she was Mikasa Midoriya, the daughter of Number 2 Hero, Deku. They used to be childhood friends, but last she had heard her father had moved to another city so they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

He also noticed that the yellow-haired pretty girl which he bumped on before was here too.

Once the teacher came in, it was a rabbit-eared woman, Joichiro immediately recognized her as aunt Mirko, she used to visit him a lot and sees her as his grandma.

"Hello brats, introduce yourselves, names,  quirks, hopes, and dreams for the future." Mirko wasn't polite to the children in front of her. She looked at Joichiro for some reason and got a haughty look on her face. "You, go first."

Immediately everyone's attention was on him, and that caused Joichiro even more embarrassment. "Y -Yea," he wasn't confident in his public speaking abilities at all. "My name is Joichiro Kaminari," once everyone heard that last name, everyone took a sharp breath. "My quirk is Iron Sand Manipulation. I hope to make a good hero and my dream for the future is to become a Hero my father can be proud of."

Mirko looked at this with an exciting look at first but soon understood that Joichiro was nothing like his father. 'Tch, this is not at all like Kaminari, I expected everyone to be at his palm by now….I guess he didn't take after his father. Always thought that crazy perfectionist would also try and have his kids grow to become like him.'

Unlike her expectations, Kaminari never wanted his kids to grow to become like him. The main reason was that he knew just how hard it was to be him, and he wouldn't wish his 1st childhood on his children.

Mirko next looked around and spotted the young yellow-haired girl. Something about her put the semi-retired hero on edge. "You are next."

"My name is Rin Ashido, my Quirk is Acidic Electrification, it allows me to create a corrosive acid that conducts electricity from my body. My hope for the future is for my mother to tell me who my bastard of a father is and I only wanted to become a Hero because she told me she would tell me if I was able to become one. I don't care about any of this."

Then she sat down while the rest of the class looked at her shockingly.

Mirko barely contained her smile once she heard that. 'Kaminari… you sly bastard, this girl sure has your bluntness. So that was why I felt on edge once I looked at her. Bahahaha, also Ashido? Isn't that the last name of that Pinky hero? Didn't she use to be in the same class as him?'

She felt a strange sense of excitement rise in her, she couldn't wait for once the family drama unfolded.

Joichiro looked at the cute girl and blushed. 'Her name is Rin Ashido… she is pretty. Also, her quirk is an electrification kind of quirk, like father's…'


Kaminari was in his huge mansion and had a smile on his face as he laid down on his pool, looking up at the sun. *yawn* "I wonder how my kids are doing at school."

"Would you like for me to check on them?" Asked one of the maids, a jumpy and flushed look on her face.

"Sakura, stop trying to jump my husband." Momo's voice came as she walked to the pool, she had her black hair let down and her face had matured, becoming prettier while her body seemed to be stuck in time, and even after three children, she seemed like a high school girl.

"S -Sorry miss!" The maid stammered before running off to do something else.

Momo looked at Kaminari looking at the situation with an amused look on his face causing his wife to frown. "Kaminari, one of these days I am gonna start thinking that you might start cheating on me."

"Hahaha," he laughed joyfully, "C'mon now, you know me better than that. I mostly keep them around for the drama."

She sighed at her husband's behavior. 

'Plus I have plowed that maid before, I just have to be careful now, I wouldn't want the same thing to happen as it did with Mina.' Pondered Kaminari, who now had a child with Mina just from one day he felt confident in his pull-out game. 'Thankfully there are many quirks who can stop something like that repeating itself.'

-Kaminari POV-

Looking at the forest around I can't help but smirk as I get the input from my , what a useful Quirk. Twice's quirk was something all right, even if it was from a clone created from its DNA.

Thankfully in combination with some other Quirks, I made sure that there won't be an uprising. Plus I can live multiple lives at the same time. Though I wanted many things, I don't like sacrificing things like family just because of it. I had sacrificed enough in my 1st life, this way I can be happy.

Already this world had gotten boring, there was no challenge. Even if I didn't have access to my countless quirks, there hadn't been a threat to me.

Anyway, finally, I have enough power to break through this world's barrier. I just needed to create a paradox like a time reversing quirk and time speeding Quirk. I already had Eri's Quirk for a long time now, it reverses my body's time and a certain hero in America could speed up his body's speed so this was easy to get. I love having access to government files all over the world, whatever Quirk I want, I can just go and have it. 

I used both of them on my body, immediately darkness surrounded my form. 


Immediately I flash, unlike the times where I move so fast, this time it didn't even feel like I was moving. 

Looking around me I saw a tunnel, it had many colors, ones that I hadn't even seen before. 

"Oy, what are you doing there." Someone's voice terminated through, I looked to the side and saw a man with dark hair and dull eyes wearing glasses looking straight at me. The first thing I noticed about him was that his glasses was that they weren't prescribed, meaning that the man's vision was perfect he was only wearing them for aesthetic reasons.

I looked at the man and just decided to blitz the man and ran along the tunnel. I don't know this guy at all, but for the first time… the guy was able to keep up with me and seemed to be doing so easily.

"You are quite fast ain't ya?" Asked the man, seemingly not bothered that both of us were moving at speeds faster than light.

"Who are you?" I inquired, the man seemed confused for a second before smirking.

He then started speeding up without saying anything, but out of nowhere a pale hand appeared and patted the man on the shoulder. The pale hand belonged to a man with long white hair and a very enchanting face. 

"What do you want heroic bastard? Can't you see that I am having some fun here?" The glasses man seemed annoyed, but the silver-haired man pointed up, and the man chasing me looked up too… immediately his eyes shook.

Out of curiosity, I looked up too, since from my senses I saw nothing. But after looking up I saw something… or more correctly, someone. There were thousands… millions… no billions of him spread all over. It was weird how I didn't notice them as it felt like the whole place was filled with them. 

The man had long dark hair and cold dark eyes, at first there felt something strangely familiar about him. 

He had a sad smile on his face as he asked. "When did you get taller than me?"

It was so cheesy, such a stupid thing to say when meeting someone. But tears almost fell out of my eyes when I heard that. I finally understood who he was, but I didn't stop at all, instead, I increased my speed to a level in which each of my steps created miniature dark holes. 


"Catch me if you can!" I yelled out loudly before flashing over a throusand time and entering one of the countless dark holes I created.

After that, I came upon a liquid-like feeling and looked down to a star? No… that was something else… a world… at least that was what my Future Sight Quirk informed me. It seemed so small that it would fit in my hand, but at the same time it was so big that would expand infinitely. Nothing made sense anymore, the sizes, nor laws of physics obeyed here.

I flashed towards it, as I did so my powers stayed behind before I flashed… and so I blacked out for a split second.

"Garp -san, here are your grandson's." Said a strange voice.

"Eh? You had two brats?" Asked a hard voice.

Ah, so I succeeded… I am in a new world without my powers. Hahahaha~ now things have started getting interesting again!!


A/N: Kaminari never was after some absolute power. He just wanted to have fun, unwilling to sacrifice anything for something. He wanted to go to another world, but also have his family and spend time with them. So he found a way to have both before he left. His are things that relay to him information real time without the need to destroy themselves and they can take his mental orders.

Kaminari's journey was nowhere over, and even though the story has just ended… he loved to have fun, so he went to another world.

(This one chapter was supposed to be 3 chapters, but I put all three of them in one, because I felt that if I stopped writing for even a second I would wanna end it in another way. I had a dozen or so endings in mind, but went with this one… and just wrote. Ending my stories is the hardest part.)


P.S: These Yami miltiverse endings... yeah... this will probably the last one. Other stories will all have different endings, and that one MC that will die. Anyway, these stories from now on will probably no longer be a conected multiverse. Still, stories are usually left to the reader's interpretation, so you can interpret it in many ways.

P.P.S: I also have a new fanfic, One Piece: Desperate...