Chapter 10

Then he stopped and bring his face to the poor girls' ears. "Maybe if you are in luck, you can just be rap-"

Monikka jumped off her bed, breathing heavily with tears strained on her cheek.

"Fuck, why do I have to dream about that asshole" She wiped off her tears and went out of the bedroom to grab a drink.

Once she has done drinking, she checked the time and it shouted 00:23. She sighed and walked to her bedroom.

She checked her phone and saw a picture of her parents holding her baby self, both with either fake smiles or wicked smiles.

She sighed, tossed her phone to who knows where and went back to sleep.


I woke up, prepared myself, and went to school as usual.

Being an early bird really is a win, less crowded place, and fresh air to breathe without voices ringing in my ears.

My first class was in History. I sighed since I have to find a way to ignore a certain person. The person who I thought I could trust with. Now I know that most people really aren't interested in people like me.

Then my stomach started to make weird sounds so I decided to go to the cafeteria first.

But on half of my way to the cafeteria, I felt someone grabbing my hand and pulled me somewhere. I was about to smack that person who dared to pull my hand but I somehow stopped when I saw it was Cody who was taking me somewhere.

What the heck, Monikka. You are supposed to stay away from him!

I mentally cursed myself. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't fight back. I just thought it was the right thing to do. Besides, I have always trusted my instincts.

I let him take me to the roof and then he let go of me. Then I stared at him, we both waiting for somebody to start the conversation.

I coughed to break the awkward silence which made Cody's head went from looking down at the floor to my eyes. I shot him a look and he looked away, knowing what I meant. I crossed my arms, feeling a bit intimidated since I don't like people just pulling me away and didn't talk anything to me.

People who fucked up on talking deserved to be punished.

That was what my father used to say when I couldn't talk because I was too scared. Now I get his feeling.

"So aren't you going to talk?!" I scowled at him. He looked up to me and gulped.

"I-I..." He stuttered. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I have no time for this.

"I am giving you a 3 second last chance of talking to me and if you fuck up I am leaving." I made myself clear to him. "3..."



Cody's face changed into a more scared reaction. I smirked and tiptoed so I could bring my mouth to his ear.

"Zero," I whispered in a husky tone. I backed down and grinned playfully as his face went pale. "You have just wasted 5 minutes of my time, I will go now."

"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed behind me before I get a hold of the door handle.

I stopped my way to the door handle. I turned back to him with an unamused face.


"C'mon, don't make me say it again!" He whined. I sighed.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked, crossing my arms to my chest, still giving a straight face.

He looked down. "I-I don't know..."

I tsked at his answer. "What do you mean you don't know?"

He still looked down. When I saw his eyes are now in tears, I gasped.

"W-why are you crying?!" I said, which made him sobbed more.

Wtf, craziest day of my life.

I mean, I like seeing people cry, not gonna lie, but seeing a guy cry when I haven't done anything to him is just fucking stupid.

Somehow I felt pity for him.

I sighed, feeling my chest becoming heavier. I patted his back. "Let's have a sit for a while.."

He sniffed and nodded. We sat on the floor with our legs crossed. I kept patting his back.

He looked like a literal baby when he is crying... cute.

I slapped myself. C'mon Monikka, this isn't yourself.

"I want this to work." He said. I looked over to him confusedly.


"I want us to be friends. I am sorry for... for hurting your feelings. I was just so shocked about you being a killer." He said.

I stared at him softly. "But why do you wanna be friends with me?" I asked.

"I-I don't know.. it just felt like the right thing to do." He said.

"It's about the bullies, isn't it?" I smirked, he looked at me, eyes wide. I chuckled. "Just because I am ignoring you, doesn't mean I won't be paying attention to you. K then, I will help you with the bullies."

"B-but it is not just that," He started. I looked at him with one of my eyesbrows raised. "You and I both had each other as the friend we ever have. I just wanna make it memorable, although we have a totally different background stories... I just think maybe it won't be so bad."

"So your point is..." I said, honestly, I am a bit confused at his words.

He looked at me meaningly. "I wanna be real friends with you, not just for benefit that will end soon... but real friends for who knows how long."

I was taken aback with his words. "But you don't know how I live my life like, I am pretty sure you won't survive a day with me."

"I wanna try my best. Besides, you are my first friend." He said convincinly. "But the real question here is do you wanna be friends with me?"

I sighed. I mean, I really wanna have a person by my side because I have been alone for too long. Although I thought living with no one will be the best option for my future, I guess it will be quite unhealthy.

"Fine, but just remember, if you do any funny business, you are dead, literally." I make my voice as scary as possible and I think it worked from the look of his face.

"Okay then. Promise that we will stay together as friends no matter what happened?" He brought up his pinky.

I snorted. "Such a child, who uses pinky promises these days."

"I do. C'mon!"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I interlocked my pinky with him. "Promise."