Letter 1.
They were things that could not be forgotten to see go through my eyes everything I wanted was totally destroyed.
That day I can not forget my eyes can not forget what happened that time.
I felt the need to go to a psychologist forgetting all this, I couldn't stand how my friends were tortured, it wasn't fair.
Letter 2.
I tried to learn many things but others to ignore life gives different stories and moments that one cannot avoid, I just wanted to help Karim, Rebecca and July.
But I couldn't do something.
Pain and sadness, everything in me fell.
Letter 3.
It was all a mess, they just laughed they thought they were doing things right and it wasn't, they didn't stop doing it and they said how they had taken them and I cried I tried to get scared but to no avail and I tried to leave.
Letter 4.
My pain was strong and I couldn't do or say something because I didn't love them and that hurt.
Letter 5.
Something that disliked me was to see them there as if nothing gave me regrets, it hurt me once more to have them to see there by the judge.