Chapter 21: Lucia.

It was the morning of December 2016 when I was leaving a night job that I had in a bar, there were several alcoholics by my step I saw two that always wanted me to disrespect me but I did not let me give them my stores but that day it was different, everything happened fast and very ugly I did not know how to react to those emotions I felt very insecure to such an extent that I got in my pants.

There were no words to describe what I wanted to die of anger I felt fear and terror hatred, my eyes wanted me to die once it was for my rope and I made the decision before I narrated the fact to my friend John he should know it but I would no longer be there live for that moment ..

I was about to get to my house, they sent me and took me by force, my clothes did not cost anything because I always brought a bra that would come loose on its own and my shirt, all ISO that made me very uncomfortable until I couldn't take it anymore. They started, they took it off me and my bra was sold, it just came off instantly, letting my breasts fall and they eating them made me feel rich and I did not hesitate to fall when their hands touched my crotch, they told me that I got very wet I couldn't believe it and I fell I don't remember more.


He takes her and kisses her he spits hers from her breasts he takes it and they begin to give it hard she moans with happiness and pain they continue until they drop her and they leave there the police arrive she was never the same again ..


I woke up and saw that my body had bruises and bumps, I could not move and I had no option, I disconnected my machine and in three seconds ...


App 1329 machine was disconnected, doctors go see a dead woman ...