I always told her sister, don't go alone, she ignored me and that's why I had to look at her badly and I didn't want to because I knew who it was, I went to where he was to take my revenge. something I knew that I should so I was the fastest and I screwed up I could get my revenge ..
Everything always gave unexpected turns as long as everything was out of good faith, I know that sometimes people do not measure our actions depends on how they look but if something must be seen, it is that there are things that are noticed no matter what happens.
You should always take many things into account especially what makes us unique in things, especially what life teaches you if you want to know something remember never take things to violence never attack people never mess them up badly be good and Above all, respect others as you would like it to be with you. I leave them with the continuation of this great story inspired by those who fought for their rights in what they believed in everyone who wanted a better life ...