Chapter 3 Ella

Ella POV

Hey, everybody, I'm Maze's adopted sister Ella and I just got back from a mini-vacation. I felt like this vacation was long overdue, because for the past 2 years I been stuck with my sister and her friends. It's been really stressful taking care of them plus going to college, and running my own business. Yes, I own my own business that I build by myself with the money I saved from working with my mother. My parents always encourage Maze and me to try to become independently stable at a young age. That being said at 16-years old I bought this run-down coffee shop when I was still living in New York with my parents. After 1 year of owning the shop, it became very successful to the point I decided to expand. This was when I turned 17 years old and was already planning to move to Los Angles for college. I decided to expand at the perfect time because Maze and I decided to buy a house in Los Angles together. We both had a different motive for wanting to own a house in Los Angles at the time. I wanted to get a house in L. A because I was moving to L.A for school later that year. I find out a couple of months later when Maze and I were in L.A for the summer getting everything for our house that she had trick our parents. She persuaded them into letting her move to L. A with me because she was so-called tired of New York. I was so mad that she didn't ask me if I was okay with it then she had the nerves to include her friends in on her little plan. Now you can see why I have been so stressed out and I been thinking about selling one of my 4 shops. After going on vacation and talking with my girl Lucy I decided that I'm a boss ass bitch and I got this. Now every since Maze and her friends started working on their club they been leaving me alone for the most part. I still have to make sure they are going to school and watching over them, but since I been on vacation I haven't had the time. Now that I'm back I have to make sure these little fucks are doing what they supposed to be doing.

Right now I'm in my room I just got out of the shower. I took a nap a couple of hours ago but didn't want to oversleep because Maze ass going to start tripping. I was lotioning up my legs with coconut oil when I saw I was getting an incoming call from Justin. I always thought of Justin and Lauren as my bother and sister because I have known them like my hold life. That's really why I wasn't tripping about being their legal guardian while they lived with Maze and me in L.A. "Hello, Justin why are you calling me," I asked while walking into my walk-in closet.

"Dang, what I do to you? I was just wondering if you made it home yet." I rolled my eyes like he could see me and said " If you were here you would have known. Now, where are you, Justin."

I could hear moving on the line and what sounds like a female voice that sounds familiar. I scratch my nose and was about to ask who that was when he said that he was with his girlfriend. Now that I remember Maze did say he was at his girlfriend's house earlier hell I thought she was playing because I don't remember Justin having a girlfriend I always thought he was a player, to be honest. Has that much change in the 3 weeks I been gone.

" Justin since when do you have a girlfriend? You bet not be playing with me I got other stuff to do now." I told him in a serious tone so he knows I'm not playing with him.

"Come on Ella I'm being serious I been dating this girl for a while now." I guess he telling the truth but I still have my doubts because why keep her a secret.

"Why haven't you ever mention this so-called girlfriend earlier and how long y'all been together." Knowing Justin he was probably having a hard time right now because he been with so many girls.

"We have been together for 4 months and the reason why I never said anything was because things are complicated."

"Well, the cats already out of the bag because Maze and Lauren know you got a girlfriend. They said something about it early but I thought they were playing. Maze even said she was supposed to be coming tonight?"

" Yeah she is coming I kinda figure they were going to find out about her eventually. That's why I'm calling though I plan on introducing them to her tonight. Is Maze you know in a good mood tonight?"

"I don't know hell I think she is I could have sworn I heard Lauren yelling while I was taking a nap earlier. Don't see why you worried about Maze she can give two fucks who you date as long as your happy. Well if one of those fucks were me then I would be scared shitless."

" Dang her and Lolo back at it again they never learn do they, and your right I know Maze loves me but if I tried getting with you she would kill me. Ella, I'm not ready to die anytime soon, so sorry you can't any of this."

"No, they don't I give it a week until they are at each other throats. Also, fuck you boy nobody wants you besides sorry your not my type anyway."

"Whatever I'm everybody's type, and that's about how long it took last time but that's not why I call. I just wanted to let you know that some shit might go down tonight, and I wanted to give you a heads up."

" Justin I would ask what you're talking about but something deep down in my soul is telling me I don't want to know. Plus it's almost time for the party and I'm trying to be done early so Maze won't be rushing me. "

" But Ella- Oh no whatever you got going on is between you and what I'm guessing my sister I want no parts of it Bye Bye. " I hung up in his face before he could respond. You see what I'm talking about it's always something. I just got back from a relaxing vacation and I'm not finna deal with any of this drama. Justin's show is bold tonight because I don't think my sister going to be happy with her best friend causing drama on such an important night. I guess will just have to see what happens tonight whatever it is I have a feeling it's going to be entertaining.