In fact You never cared, My Lord.


Arthur Garcia drove his car in his frustrated mood. He remembered the earlier scenes in the office.

Three hours ago...

Arthur Garcia's secretary Nicholas came into the Chairman's office in his wetsuit.

"Lord Garcia, ...." He called him in a deep voice. If it is others they would be intimidated but it's Arthur he is not someone who gets intimidated easily.

"Hmm, " his voice resounded in the office as he continued to look into the papers.

"Lady Garcia visited, " he said.

"I don't have time, " Arthur said.

"She said these exact words, My Lord, " he said in a mocking tone.

Arthur raised his head and looked at him with his furrowed brows. Which meant he was willing to listen. Because whenever Lady Garcia visited he would get the news for him to visit the home.


Earlier Esther Benjamin arrived at the Garcia empire lobby...

She called Arthur's P. A. Nicholson.

He went down after he hung her call.

"Lady Garcia, Lord Garcia has a busy schedule for another week. Maybe he won't come home. Is there anything you like to say to him? I will pass it to him on your behalf, " he said politely.

He knew Lady Garcia was not favored by Lord Garcia. But she was the only woman who accepted him despite his personality. She even accepted his ex's child and treated him like her own child. She never complained about his cold demeanor towards her.

She tried to win his heart but she never forced herself on him. She never used a single penny he gave to her. She made her own money and used it.

Nicholas felt it's unfair for her to be with him. He respected her a lot but at the same time pitied her.

But who would have thought Lord Garcia was crueler than everyone thought. He never went to the house. He goes there three days a week. Sometimes he goes there once a week or sometimes he won't even go. The number of times Arthur going home in a month can be counted on their fingers.

But still, he never slept with her. She never forced him to do so too. But Lady Garcia slept with Lord Garcia's child. Even the child thought Lady Garcia was his mother. The child has a good bond with her and at the same time, her bond with the child was quite close. But it never mattered in the eyes of Arthur. Lord Garcia used to see her with a full of contempt. But Lady Garcia never minded that. Maybe her patience gave leeway to him

"Secretary Nicholas, I'm not here for his schedule or about him. I'm here to hand over these documents. Please pass them to Lord Garcia. And ask him to sign these, " she said as she took out a stack of documents from her bag.

"I know he doesn't have time to see me. But if possible ask him to come home to share the last dinner with me and the child, " she said. With that Esther, Benjamin turned around and took some steps, and stopped suddenly.

"Oh! I already signed them. It will be better if he signs it as soon as possible, " she said with a smile.

P. A. Nicholson was curious about the documents. He opened and saw the documents only to get shocked. A small crossed on his face as he looked at those documents. His shock turned into a joyful expression. Finally! She was asking for a divorce. Good news to him and certain someone. All these years, he saw Arthur torturing him... Now he will take this chance to torture him verbally.

After realizing what she did, he ran after her but he saw her waiting for a taxi in the heavy rain. "Arthur! It's time for your demise!" He mumbled.



Esther shielded her head with a purse to avoid getting her head wet by the rain. She tried to hail a cab but due to rain most of the cabs were filled.

The driver from the Garcia family who was assigned for her came forward and asked her to get in, but she politely refused him and said "Uncle, I'm no longer lady Garcia, you should be serving the lady Garcia not me a lie or a substitute, " and smiled slightly at him before turned around.

"My Lady, at least take this umbrella, " he said as he took out an umbrella from the car.

"No thanks, I will be fine. Please pick little Lord from his school. It's raining. It won't be good if he waits for me there for a long time. He might catch a cold, " she said.

She stood there for a cab. After a few minutes, a cab arrived and she left.

P. A. Nicholas's lips curved upwards. He immediately returned to the office. His suit was dripping wet but he didn't care.

The moment P. A. Nicholas gave him the documents the temperature in the room dropped to minus degrees.

The fountain pen in his hands turned into two pieces staining his calloused hand. He immediately took a tissue to clean his hands after that he threw the pen in the dustbin. P. A. Nicholas stood there in silence as he stared at the silent man in front of him. He can see the anger brewing inside him like a volcano but he was holding it on. But he just doesn't want to face his anger. Because this man would be vicious. Even though he was happy for whatever was happening, his anger was something he didn't want to see.

Even though whatever Lady Garcia did was right she didn't think of this poor soul.

Sobs, two streams of rivers started flowing down from his eyes. He wanted to jump from the window and die instead of facing this Cold Evil satan.

'Why? Why? Why do you make me become a scapegoat? Mrs. Garcia! Why me? Sobs why can't you find another one? Wuwuwuwu sobs, " he cried internally as he complained about her in his mind.


Esther Benjamin who is traveling in the cab suddenly sneezed.

"My Lady, you might have caught a cold for standing long in the rain. Have warm food along with warm water. Try avoiding medicines, eat some homemade remedy for your cold, " the old driver advised her.

"Thank you, Uncle. I will do as you said, " the driver smiled at her warmly. Many people used to nod their heads but she thanked him.

Suddenly the cold virus sneezed. Sobs I got blamed for the thing I didn't do. The cold virus cried.


"How much allowance do we give her every month?" Lord Garcia asked all of a sudden starting P. A. Nicholas.

"Ten million, My Lord, " he replied.

"Then why does she leave me?" Arthur let out a frustrated roar.

"My Lord, about the monthly allowance of Lady Garcia. I have to say something, " Nicholas said.

"My Lady never used a single penny you gave to her as the allowance. She made her own by designing clothes and with her paintings. And she did that by staying in her home. She never used the money you gave, " Nicholas said.

"Painter and designer? Why don't I know about this? Why didn't she tell me?" He roared angrily.

How you would know? When I didn't tell you, hehe. Nicholas smiled inside.

"Because you never cared My Lord,"


Author's note: Please add my book.

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