Garcia Empire Fall begins

The servants can feel the dark aura oozing from Henry.

He punched the door shut and entered inside. He untied her hands. He noticed her wrists turned red and bruised. He understood that she is tied for a long time. Anger coursed through his veins.

The person who is lying on the bed is his sister!

How dare that bastard to abuse her like this!

He can dream about his company!

He will make sure Garcia Empire goes into hell personally!

He felt something is unusual about her. Her face is unusually red. He touched her forehead and felt her temperature.

Her forehead is too hot. She has a fever.

"Get her dressed! Now!" He growled at the servants.

The servants immediately got to their work and dressed her.

Even they felt pity for their mistress. Her appearance is very staggered. The corner of her lip is broke. And her body is filled with blue and purple marks. And her hands are tied for a whole night and now bruised.

And they saw the bedsheet has a red patch. Which meant that their Master took their mistress the first time roughly.

After they are done, They stood aside. Henry carried her away.

"The Benjamin family can take care of their daughter. Esther no longer belongs to the Garcia family. The divorce will be finalized in a few days," Henry said and left as he took long strides.

Whenever he looked at her face, he felt anger surging through him. She is his sister. His precious sister. Now she is lying like this and he could not able to do anything. He felt useless for the first time.

He should have been cautious. He should have stopped her from going home.

He made his way to their family hospital. He took her to the VVIP ward directly. He contacted the hospital director and asked him to send the best doctor. Everything is present by the time he reached the ward. He asked them to do a full body check.

He waited outside for the results. Every minute felt like a century to him. He is such a useless brother.

He is the one to blame for her condition.

He was a little stern towards her yesterday and dint let her go there. She would not be like this.

He took his phone and dialed their parents. He asked them to come to the hospital. After a few minutes of contemplation, he dialed his grandfather's number. He explained everything in detail to him.

Old Benjamin was so angry he broke the cane in his hand. He said he will come there now.

When they reached the hospital Mr and Mrs.are not their usual self.

"What happened, Henry?" they asked.

Henry explained Esther's decision and everything. After that, he explained what happened to her in a detailed manner.

When they heard their daughter is tied like a slave, they could not help but cry in grievance.

They knew this marriage will never bring happiness to her.

After some time, the doctor came to report her condition.

"How is she?" everyone asked.

"She soaked in rain. So, she got a fever. And her stomach is empty. She didn't have food last night maybe. And her Vaginal tissue is broken. Her body is filled with bruises. And her wrists are bruised badly as if she is tied for more than twelve hours. The patient may not be able to wake for the following two or three days. She is extremely exhausted. I don't know what happened to the patient, she might have psychological issues after this. Her nerves are getting tensed up when she felt a foreign touch. We couldn't treat her properly due to this.

"Mrs. Benjamin, I wish you can take care of her. It is hard for us to even touch her. Since you are her mother maybe she can feel secured and a bit relaxed.

"I will send a nurse to feed some medicine. I will take my leave now," the doctor said and took his leave.

The Benjamin family couldn't be any angrier. Everyone reached their peak. What did he do to her that she is even scared of touch?

"I will make sure that Arthur rots in hell forever," Henry said through his gritted teeth.

"We have to think about this. We should not act rashly!" Mrs. Benjamin said.

"You don't want me to act even when she is in this situation. Mom! Do you know, How much she cried to me saying that she is tired of this toxic relationship? Huh? Shall I tell you one thing! That bastard made her take care of his bastard child! She is bringing up his ex-child. Will you accept it if dad does the same thing?"Henry shouted not caring to down his voice.

"Then Why are we not informed about this all this time?" An angry yet stern voice of an old man resounded through the halls of the hospital corridor.

Everyone turned their head to the source of the voice. They are stunned to see Elder Benjamin.

Elder Benjamin made his way towards them.

"Get the doctor to me," he ordered his men. They bowed to him deeply and left to do their words.

"Royal Father, I would have updated that to you," Mr. Benjamin said.

"Don't tell me what to do and what not to," he said.

In a few minutes, the doctor arrived.

"How is her condition?" Elder Benjamin said.

Even though he is old, he has an aura of a king. His presence is enough for them to get scared.

"Sir, The patient soaked in rain and caught the fever. And she already has sinusitis. So, it made it worse. And she didn't take any food last night. Her body is filled with black and blue bruises. Her vaginal tissue is broken. Her uterus is filled with semen. She might face psychological issues, because her nerves are tightening when she felt a foreign touch," The doctor said even more clearly this time.

"Got it. You may leave," The Elder Benjamin said.

The doctor left after bowing his head sightly.

"Charles Benjamin! You failed to take care of my granddaughter. Reflect yourself in the ancestral house for three days without food and water. And you will not be the head of the Benjamin Empire. Henry Douglas Benjamin will be the new head. You don't know how to handle things,"

"And my dear daughter-in-law, Even you disappointed me. Not act rashly? You will be no longer the female head of the Benjamin family. The female head position will be empty till Henry gets married!" Elder Benjamin said.

"Royal Father…." Mr. Benjamin wanted to say something but was stopped.

Elder Benjamin slapped the ground harshly with his cane making them shiver in fear.

"My Words are final decree! Do you think you can talk to me after what happened to my granddaughter!?" Elder Benjamin said.

"I will heed to your words Royal Father'" Mr. Benjamin said.

With that, Mr. Bnjamin retreated to get his punishment.

"Royal Grandfather, I wanted to pull our investment from Garcia Family," Henry said.

Elder Benjamin nodded his head in approval.

"They got some projects through the hard work of little sister. I will make sure they will be dropped," Henry said.

"You better get them done as soon as possible. If not I will look for a new head from side families!'Elder Benjamin warned.

Henry nodded his head and was about to leave.

"Grandfather, I request you to keep some elite bodyguards to guard little twerp. I don't want to take any risks," Henry said.

"I will take care of it. You may leave," the Elder Benjamin said.

Henry gave a deep bow and left.

When he reached the entrance he saw someone who made him lose his control. He directly rushed forward and punched that person's face.


please read my other book "Tempting My Rented Boyfriend" It is on WFP #23 Female lead. please support my work.

Stay Safe.