

The old man Garcia didn't expect his son would do this. He felt that his son was reliable in the past few days. But it turned out to be a lie. He felt stupid for believing him.

There was no one for him to rely on now. His grandson was in jail. And his daughter-in-law was also in jail. And his son deceived him and sold the last property they had. When his grandson returns, he has no place to live.

Old Man Garcia felt a pain in his chest. But this time, it's not a slight pain, but it was heavy and sharp. He felt like his heart was being crushed down. It was like someone was squeezing his heart. He started sweating. He felt stuffing and officiating. His body trembled in immense pain. The people who threw him out saw the abnormalities in old man Garcia's body. But they ignored it. They felt he was acting to not get driven out by them. They left him without looking and went back inside the house.

Old Man Garcia couldn't move his body. He wanted to shout for help but he couldn't utter a word. He felt like a lump was in his throat which was stopping him from talking. Finally, he couldn't hold it and fell onto the ground. No one saw him fall.

An hour passed…..

The people who went inside Garcia's house returned and saw that old man Garcia was lying on the road lifelessly. The community where they were in was a high-end community. Everyone can exit the community in different ways without passing through different villas. And the same thing happened here. Garcia's villa was a corner one in the community. It was hard to even greet neighbors from afar and not even talk about bumping into each other.

So, no one saw old man Garcia. When those people who bought the villa saw him immediately called an ambulance and informed them. The old man Garcia was taken to hospital. Even before they could perform surgery he died.

Old Man Garcia already faced a heart attack. At that time, he got through after a successful surgery. The second time, he got a mild attack when he heard Arthur may be imprisoned for his life. At that time he thought it was a small pain and ignored it. He took his meds and continued without. And today was the last straw for him. He was left on the roads. Other than begging he could do nothing. The Benjamin's were really cruel. They would do the things they said.

But now, no one could do funeral procedures for Old Man Garcia. In the end, he was left like an orphan with no relatives and no friends. Arthur and Elena were informed about Old Man Garcia's death. Arthur was shocked to hear that. His only hope was his grandfather and his father. But his father ran away with the money he got from selling the villa. And his grandfather was dead. And his mother was also in jail.

Arthur regretted not getting her out. If he had got her out from Jail, at least he would have someone to count to save him. With his current position, Benjamin's would make him suffer till the end, let's not talk about saving him!

Arthur felt devastated. He had everyone before, but he was left like an orphan now. Arthur thought back to the situations that happened just now. It was all his fault, but he refused to admit it. Even now he refused to as it now.

Suddenly, he noticed something. His father was the one who provoked his mother. He also provoked his grandfather during his second attack. And he never helped him to get out of problems. Always he created more troubles for him from childhood. He thought Sean's character was like that from the start. But as he thought about it, it looked like there was more to it.

Suddenly, he remembered when got into an accident he saw his father smiling happily when he was crying in pain.

Arthur has a lot of questions about his father now.

In them, the most intriguing question was, what made his father hate him to this extent?


Author's note:

So what do you think of the mystery of Sean Garcia?

Why does he hate Arthur?

Why does he need to sell his house and push his father to the dead-end?

Why does he need to provoke his wife to the point of going to jail?

What's the mystery with Sean Garcia?