Let ME Atone My Mistakes!


After fifteen days….

It's nearly been a month since Esther was in a vegetative state. Henry was so concerned. He couldn't help but cuss every day. Because of this, he started pressuring his workers too. Employees in Benjamin's empire started fearing Henry. Everyone knew him for his gentleness and his warm nature. But now he turned into a cold and heartless employer. Just his presence was enough to make his employees almost wet their pants.

Henry was looking into his documents and reading them. Once in a while he would sigh loudly and punch the table beside him. He couldn't help but think about his sister who was in the hospital. He was just frustrated because of her long sleep.

"For god's sake! Why can't she wake up?!" he roared as he threw the penholder onto the ground.

Henry couldn't control his emotions these days. Esther was his bottom line. Now she was sleeping like a sleeping beauty. Even the doctor said she was fine. There was nothing wrong. It's just that she was trapped in her internal struggles. She can wake up only when she solves those struggles by herself.

Henry just threw the stack of documents aside and got up from his seat. He took out a cigarette. The cigarette has a gold outline at the end of the cigarette. He lighted it with his jaguar-shaped lighter. This lighter was made of one of the dense metals called osmium, which was a bluish silver metal that can only be found in some places in southern parts of the globe. It was extremely hard to find because of its rarity. Esther found that metal very attractive. So, she took some amount of the metal and went to the designer. Esther made the smith design according to the design she made. She even concentrated on the small bits of details. Esther made three with that metal in three unique designs. But Henry's lighter was special because he was her only brother. He was there for her all the time. She was just attracted to that metal in a moment, so she couldn't help but use it to the full extent.

She gave him saying, "Brother…. Whenever you want to smoke, remember that you have a sister who wants to spend her life in her brother's protection. Also, she doesn't like her brother ruining his body. So, whenever you feel like smoking, remember me and shouldn't smoke!"

Henry couldn't help but cuss loudly. "Esther! Why don't you wake up!" he roared.

He trashed the cigarette butt in the ashtray. Seeing that it was going to be lunchtime, he took his coat and left the office. He didn't care about the employees who were standing outside for the document approval. He has to leave and see his sister. That was all he cared.

He reached the hospital and saw Nicholas talking with the doctor outside the ward. He went and stood behind him silently as he also started listening to the doctor's words.

"So, doctor, Can I inform her family about her waking up news? They were anxious about her health." Nicholas said.

It stunned Henry for a second when he heard his words. If she woke up, why didn't he tell them? He felt anger surging in his body.

"But doctor, with her mental state I am worried her family may feel upset. When will she turn normal?" Nicholas continued.

Henry frowned when he heard these words.

"It's not a problem. She was just traumatized by the events that happened before her vegetative state. If she takes proper treatment for three months, she would be fine. And from her earlier reaction, she feared other's touch. So, we have to see, to whom touch she can be resistive! In this kind of situation, many patients can resist the touch of the people they love. If you could bring the person, she loves the most. That would be a great help. Seeing her reactions, we can plan treatment after talking to her family." The doctor said.

"Then doctor, we can start with her brother. Her brother would help us with this thing. And if needed, he can hide it from his family. So, that they wouldn't come here and provoke her emotions. But it's such a pity she slept again before I could call her brother. When will she wake up again?" Nicholas asked.

"She might wake up at night or tomorrow morning. Her body was in complete rest in the past few days. A bit of work can tire her out. You can let them know when she wakes up again. And we should change her medicines. Since she woke, she doesn't need to rely on injected nutrition. She can take light food," the doctor said.

"Fine, I will follow, doctor!" Nicholas said and turned around only to see Henry standing there.

"Prince, you are here!" Nicholas almost yelled.

"Why didn't you inform me about her waking up?" Henry asked. He could feel his anger coursing through his veins. Nicholas knew how hard it was for Henry. Even if he gets an hour of the time he would come here and spend time with his sister. But when she woke up, he didn't even bother to call him.

"Prince, When Princess woke up. I was so happy. So, I immediately got the doctor and made him check on her. Ten passed just like that. When I was about to call you after ten minutes, Princess was unconscious again. So, I again called the doctor and was speaking with him. By the time I wanted to call you, you are here! Forgive my incompetence, Prince!" Nicholas said.

"If you wanted to make up for your mistakes, then you have to do your job diligently, not sloppily. I would like to hire a caretaker from now on. You may take your leave. I don't think Esther would think you made mistakes. So, don't worry!" Henry said.

"Prince! Please don't do this for me! I will leave when Princess was in good health! Prince, let me atone for my mistakes! I won't ever repeat this! Give me one chance! I am living a good life and supporting myself all because of Princess's help only! Please, Prince!" Nicholas continued to beg.

This time Nicholas can understand that Henry was truly angry. How can he not? Every day even if he and get a few seconds he would come here and accompany her. He would sit beside her and would talk endlessly about the things he did and what he saw. He cracks the jokes by himself and laughs by himself. Behind this powerful man, there was a vulnerable brother. Even Nicholas felt pained seeing him like this. But he could do nothing.


Author's notes:

Hi guys....

I thought I would get loads of comments on that gold orbs guy. Sigh... I only got three. But still, I am happy about those comments.

So, I gave a mass release yesterday of four chapters. Just to release more chaps I sneakily wrote in my phone during my lecture time yesterday. I almost got caught but I somehow passed. So, at least for my hard work please vote!

Get me into the top 500! We are in 900 right now. So, a bit more votes wouldn't do harm for us, right? So, please vote (TT__TT)

Let's meet with another chapter. By tomorrow Esther would start running. Hehe. And what else... Oh Yeah! I signed up for TGIF. There will be mass release tomorrow! Wait for my more arrivals!

And..... whom do you think was right here? Henry or Nicholas?

Who is Nicholas? why does he need to work like slave to Esther?

Comment me and let me know your thoughts! Don't forget to vote!

And second wave of Corona virus is acting up again. Take care and don't go out carelessly. In our country our government issued lockdown again. Stay safe and healthy guys!