Hugs And Kisses


The father and son reached their house and rested.


Esther was busy making sketches. She didn't when she slept, but she slept on her table. If she continues to sleep like that for sure, she will end up with back pain and neck pain.

Henry came to pick her up and saw this scene. He lifted her in bridal carry style and carried her to his car. Henry drove to their house. He carried her to her room without disturbing her sleep.

"Lil one, if you were tired, you can take a rest. You don't need to push yourself too much," Henry whispered and left.

He ordered the kitchen to leave some food out. If she wakes up at night, she can have it. After giving instructions, he left to his room to sleep. As Henry expected, Esther woke up in the middle of the night and had food that was left in the refrigerator for her. After having her food, she went back to her sleep.



Esther woke up as usual and got dressed for her work. When she reached the dining hall, there was no one, so she waited in the hall. She grabbed the newspaper and started reading it.

The main page was filled with a single piece of news. That was about the CEO of Vritra groups. They stated that the CEO of the Vritra group, Cyrus Rex Vritra, was back in the county to do business. The moment he returned to the country, he signed three business deals that were worth a few billion dollars.

Esther knew Vritra also belonged to the royal family, but they were from the south side of the globe. For unknown reasons, even Benjamin's has southern side people's features. But she never asked about it.

"Capable people could do unbelievable things!" Esther grumbled under her breath.

"Hey, what were you muttering, Miss. Who-can-sleep-on roads!" Henry's voice resounded from the back.

"I am talking about the news. See this! Mr. Vritra was back in the country. And made three deals which were eyed by the business world! Many groups were eyeing to get those deals. But he just came yesterday evening, and by night he got all three deals. In just five hours. See how capable he was. And look at you!" Esther praised Cyrus while condensing her brother.

To annoy him, she even rolled her eyes.

"I am your brother! How could you praise others!" Henry growled at her.

"He came back to the country after three years. But see, he made three deals in less than five hours! What about you! In this month, how many deals have you made?" Esther questioned. Seeing his annoyed expression, satisfied her. She stuck her tongue at him.

Henry was so annoyed to the point he wanted to kill her. But he calmed down, remembering that she was his only sister. He twisted her ears till she felt pain. His action shocked Esther! She pinched his waist, making him yelp in pain. Henry loosened his grip on her ears. She saw her father coming down. She ran to him and hid behind.

"Father! Brother was bullying me! See... he twisted my ears. They were so red…. It hurts…." Esther cried like a baby as she complained to her father.

"Henry… Come here!" Charles Benjamin called him.

Esther made a few faces at him, annoying her brother.

"Dad.. she was at fault!" he growled.

"Your sister fell sick recently. She has yet to recover while you were abusing her! The audacity! No breakfast for you! You may leave!" Charles Benjamin growled at Henry.

"Then Dad… Can I have a brother's portion?" Esther asked.

"You can, my daughter!" Charles Benjamin said.

"Daddy was the bestooo in the world!" Esther shouted as she kissed her father's cheek. She even hugged him for a few seconds before she dashed to the dining hall.

Charles Benjamin was in a good mood after receiving a loving kiss from his daughter.

"Henry! Wait until your sister finishes her food! Drop her at her workplace!" Charles said in a commanding tone.

Henry couldn't be any jealous now. He didn't even get to have his food. And adding to the fact his father got a kiss and hug from his sister!

While he didn't get any! Humph!

Who wants her hugs and kisses!

[but I want the kisses and hugs] his inner self revealed the truth without hiding his thoughts.

Henry growled at the fact, but it disappointed him. sigh….

Humph! He would get all of those hugs and kisses with interest and flaunt in front of his father.



Old King Benjamin watched the complete scene when his granddaughter kissed and hugged his son. He even heard her praising his son!

Then What about him!

Unknowingly Henry, who saw his grandfather, was scared. He didn't know why, but he felt his grandfather was looking scary at the second. Henry could see the dark clouds on his grandfather's head. As seconds passed, they were turning dark.

He stayed away from him! If not, he would be the one who ends up receiving the burnout!


Author's Note:

Yo guys.....

How's your day?


I mentioned someone! hehehe... Give some attention to that person.

One more chapter to go. I think the mother and son would meet in the next chapter.

Hehe. If you don't vote they won't meet.

So, don't forget to vote. Stay safe... And comments your thoughts.