Reunion (2)


Michelle felt nervous for every step she took. She doesn't know what to do without Nicholas by her side. As she moved forward, the memories and fragments of her schooling went by like a movie in her mind. She felt her legs turned to jelly and was about to lose her footing but at that someone caught her keeping her steady. "Thank you," she mouthed and turned around only to see who the person was. 

"I can walk!" she said as she broke free from his grip and took quick strides to the private hall. The man quickly took a few big strides and stopped her from going ahead. 

"Jason Miller, What's the meaning of this?" she asked. 

"I just don't understand. You hate it then why did you come here? Do you still don't want to lose a single chance to see me? Never thought you are this pathetic. Sadly, I am engaged. Unlike you she is a beauty and of course not a  scrap seller," he said.