Who is your master?


[No wonder. Grandpa said that I will need to know those things one day. I know them. Let's go there directly.] Esther said to her. 

[Are you sure?] Raudra Muki asked for confirmation. 

[You said we both are the same. Why don't you believe me?] Esther asked with a smirk as she walked outside, making her way to the car. 

[Being cautious is not bad.] Raudra Muki commented. 

[Hmm….]  Esther responded. 

[Who will you go to? With a car… can you reach there in five hours?] Raudra Muki asked. 

[I will arrange a copter for me. We can reach it in less time.] Esther said. Their palace was in a different city. After Esther's incident, Old Man Benjamin shifted to their city. So, they have to travel to it. Esther wasn't a professional driver; she couldn't drive without a break. So, the best choice was a copter. 

She kept her phone on the hand rest and dialed Kris's number.