Nightmare or Memory?


Benjamin's Mansion…. 

"Where are you going?" Charles Windsors asked Butler. 

"To deliver the lunch to the princess," Butler replied. 

"I will do it. You stay here," Charles Windsors said as he got up from his seat. 

"Old King, this is a measly thing. Leave it to me," he said as he gulped. 

"I said I will do it," Charles Windsors said. 

[Why do I feel like the old king is trying to suck up to the princess? And now, when I denied him, why do I feel like he is going to cry the next moment? I am dreaming. I must be dreaming! The old king is a scary and dark man. No one could make him cry. Maybe, because the princess disappeared for three days, he is worried. He just wanted to make up for her. What a fool am I? Even after knowing his love towards Princess, the lowly me didn't understand his intentions. Sigh…] the Butler thought. 

"My King, I will help you put this in the car," the Butler said, making the old king smile.