Sleep together?


By the time Esther and Cyrus were done with their bath, Esther couldn't stand properly. Because her legs turned to jelly. She has to hold the wall to walk. Seeing her state, Cyrus carried her in his arms in bridal style and made her sit in front of the garden. He dried her hair with the hairdryer. After he is done, he ties it into a bun.

"You know how to tie a bun?" Esther asked, feeling surprised.

"Yeah... I learned it for you from my sister in my past life. And you used to have long hair in your past life that you hated. You always wanted to cut your hair but couldn't do it because of your identity. And it's hard for a person to tie your hair. So... I decided to learn it for you," Cyrus said, making her surprised.

"You learned it for me?" Esther said feeling touched.

He made her stand up and looked into her eyes. "I learned it for you, only for you," he said with a smile.