Making Love (3)***


"What is it, hubby?" Esther asked very shyly. 

[Ahhh! God! Why was she being so shy with him? She wasn't like this before!] he thought.

"Promise me that you won't touch yourself or cover yourself," Cyrus asked, trapping her. 

Esther gulped as his tall frame hovered her tall frame. Her nostrils were hit with his strong manly scent mixed with his mint scent. Her mind was turning hazy at his actions. It's wrong to seduce her like this. He needs to be punished. Oh! God! Up close he looked like a god! 

"Hmm…" she replied. 

Cyrus slapped her nipples lightly making her moan. "Mmmhh… Cyrus…" she moaned. 

"Not... Hmmm… it's… okay, hubby. Call me like that," he said, squeezing her breast. 

"Okay, Hubby…. Mmmhhh… Ahhh…" she moaned when he started squeezing her harder.