Rana Reincarnated


Cyrus entered the study after ordering the food. 

"Bhairava… Are you happy?" Shakti asked. 

"Yes, Sis," he answered. 

"He is here," she said suddenly. 

"Sis?" he asked. 

"Arthur is a part of his soul. When he raped her, his soul traces were left in her body. After a part of her soul merged in her body, her dark side of soul felt triggered at the presence of his soul traces. So… it started fighting with his soul. This led to a change in her behavior. Unknowingly she grew disrespectful as her soul felt frustrated as it couldn't take his soul's traces. The same thing happened with Reggie too," Shakti said, shocking him.

"Sis… You mean… he knew about Raudra Muki's rebirth even before?" Cyrus asked, feeling shocked. 

"That's the harsh truth," she said. 

"How?" he asked.