Thor and Rex: The Recording (2)


Rex and Thor never thought that their master was gay. They saw him going out with a woman and almost making out in the hallways. He was so horny to the point he can't even control himself in public. Most of the time they caught him kissing the woman in public places. He didn't even bother with the fact whether it was broad daylight or not. Now… Andrea saying Melo a gay… Was this even true? 

If it was true then the game they staged to destroy them would have a deeper conspiracy. 

"Since you know I am gay… Then why don't you help me in getting a guy… to warm my bed till I die," Milo said with a creepy smile. 

"You are disgusting!" Andrea said. 

"I am… so what?! But again… you shouldn't have messed with my students!" Milo said. 

"Old Man! Come on! You want to bed them… even I want to bed them. But I achieved it earlier than you! Now… Don't be like that! Now… like a good b0y… ban them from your industry for my sake…." Andrea said.