
Ch- 316

"Celta, could you pass that dish to me?" Nicholas asked. 

Celta saw her idol was asking for soup, so she stood up and was about to pass the bowl to him, but she suddenly stumbled and poured it on his hands. Celta didn't know why but she felt that her shoes were going to break. Because her heels were stumbling and shaking. She just hoped that they would stay intact for today. But being involved in her thoughts she didn't notice that the bowl slipped and scalded Nicholas's right arm. 

Celta flustered out. Her brain turned blank. Why in the hell was she bringing troubles to her idol? 

"I am sorry, President. I will wipe it off," she said as she took out the tissues and started wiping them. She didn't see that Michelle got up from her seat with a tissue in her hands and ran to their side. Michelle could feel anger coursing through her veins when she saw how close they were and she didn't like it when Nicholas ignored her.