Reggie is hurt (2)

  Whimpers turned into loud wails and that brought out several maids. They scampered up the stairs in the direction of the crying but the sound of the big boss' office door made them stop in their tracks.

For a moment they looked torn between checking if Reggie was alright and getting fired and potentially hurt by their boss. A loud, "WHAT IS IT NOW?" was heard from the top of the stairs and they raced back to their rooms, choosing life over-concern. 

Esther didn't hear the crying just yet.

Cyrus stormed out of his office, deeply disturbed by the wailing. He stopped short at the sight before him: the smashed furniture, his 5-year-old son sitting in the midst of it, holding his injured foot and crying for all he was worth.

Red flashed across his vision.

"What are you doing?!" he shouted, walking towards his son, and lifting him out of the wreckage. Reggie obviously didn't reply, still crying and fidgeting in his father's hands.