
"Haha, President Vritra is so witty. So, since you bought it, Let's talk about your brand.

"Why did you start the brand when you have a family business to take care of? And you have your ex-husband's company under the name of Benjamin's. Also, your husband has the Vritra groups under his name. And also the kind of Basilisk. What made you want to work?" Julianna asked as she asked the most controversial question in a most toxic way. 

She mentioned three things. 

One is… she has her family business to take care which they gave away to an outsider. What is the need when she was there? 

The second thing is… she mentioned how her brother forced the Arthur groups to go bankrupt and bought the company under Benjamin's name. 

The third thing was… when she has a powerful husband what is she doing in the business world instead of being a delicate vase at home.