Chapter 21 Jasper

The look on that Wolf's face was priceless!

Jasper chuckled to himself as he made his way over to the motel he was crashing in just outside the city. He barely managed to get away in time, but was it worth it. The rage. The anguish. The torment. Jasper felt himself harden as he entered his dark room. He glanced around as he turned on the light, his eyes lighting up as he looked at all of the pictures of Lily on his walls. She was smiling, crying, screaming. She was clean, dirty, bloodied. He looked at the more recent pictures that he took of her, sleeping soundly in the Werewolf's home, unaware that he had been watching her sleep for sometime. He was grateful that he was able to disguise his scent while trespassing. But now he knew that the wolf would be on edge, he would be looking for him around every corner, under every rock. And he'll be enjoying every moment of the one side race while he relishes the old times with Lily again.