Chapter 20

It was 5am. I was woken up by my body to go relieve myself. I grabbed the silk robe that sat in the furry white chair by the bathroom door and place it on my naked body.

Once I was back in bed, I realized Josiah wasn't lying here with me anymore. It didn't take long to realize he'd completely left the apartment building. My place was very small and if I didn't see him visually, I knew there was a one-hundred-percent chance that he had left.

This sort of vanishing act had my mind wondering.?Did Josiah not like what had just happened? Did I not do enough? Did I do too much? Had we slept together to soon? Did he think I was a prostitute or something... I mean, I did sleep with him the same day he bought me a car. Oh god!

The sun wasn't up yet and with Josiah's sudden disappearance, I decided to pack my things for my getaway with Archibald.