Chapter 22 Without Her

Jevan's POV

She was gone.

And I was a wreck.

I could still feel her sleeping posture in my arms. I reminisced about the calm way she drifted off to sleep as if everything was going to be okay.

It wasn't okay. I had so much plans in store for us together. I was going to have my father give her a brand new sponsorship to my college if she didn't get in on her very own because I couldn't stand being away from her.

After our college education, I was planning on picking out the perfect engagement ring and asking for her hand in marriage. I saw her as my wife and the mother of my children and coming home to her after work everyday.

Now, all of that was ruined and I'd never be the same.

School had resumed from Easter break. I tossed my bag into the locker before closing it.

Turning on my heel, I turned right into Brooke.

"Hi handsome. How was your Easter?" She asked.