Chapter 26 Night Flight To France

Blossom's POV

After the intense meeting, I went home and did a light packing that consisted of a few clothing, two pairs of shoes and my travelling documents.

At 3:00 P. M, my son was home from school.

"Mommy, where are you going?"

"Mommy's going on a little trip."

"Can I come?"

"No baby. I'll be back soon. In the meantime, my boss is going to take you to his home and hire a babysitter for you until I get back. Okay?"

"Okay, mommy."

"I'll miss you so much." I envelope him into a hug a planted kisses all over his handsome face, "Be a good boy while I'm gone."

"I promise to be good."

I made a list of all the parental rules I carry out on my son so that the babysitter would have a guideline.

Dear babysitter,

-Bedtime at 8:30 PM sharp.

-Light breakfast with a fruit Example: Cereal and strawberry.

-Television Time: 2-3 hours.

-Supervised while doing homework and while taking his bath for Jason is easily distracted.