Chapter 33 Trouble In Paradise

Jevan's POV

"ADOBI! Get back here! I'm not done talking to you!" I stormed after my fiancee.

"It's really not up for discussion." She calmly responded as if she was a saint.

"You reschedule our wedding date... BEHIND MY BACK WITHOUT CONFIRMING WITH ME... And you're saying it's not up for discussion?" I was baffled at this point.

She was pushing my buttons.

The wrong buttons.

She stopped in her path to the kitchen and slowly turned to me as her hands went to both sides of her waist that was beginning to lose its shape from all her extra eating and lack of exercise.

"Jevan." She started. "You've NEVER contributed any plans or ideas for our wedding. You're too busy being next-in-line-CEO for HT so don't you dare try to give an idea now!"

"I'm not giving you any ideas. I'm giving you a command. We're not getting married any time soon, so you can call of the entire wedding plans... For now."

"Jevan! You can't do this!"