Chapter 50 The Event

Blossom's POV

Nina, Sophia and I met for our morning coffee and muffins at the café before going to the office.

"You know, Hollen Tower has a major event on Friday and we were selected to decorate the auditorium where it's going to be held." Sophia said with a pleasing smile.

"I think it was Jevan's idea." Nina added.

"Because we're good at what we do." Sophia said back. "And, we're also invited as guests. The three of us."

"I'm not going." I finally spoke up.

"What, why not?" My friends asked at the same time.

"There's always drama when Jevan and I are in the same room. And I'm not looking for to getting into it with Adobi again. That bitch went ballistic when she found out I told Jevan about her lies. She even came to my house and tried to fight me. I'm so done."

"She's so insecure and threatened by you." Nina said.

"Exactly. That's because she knows Jevan still loves Blossom and she is afraid of losing him to her."