Chapter 67 Happy Ever After Does Exist

Blossom's POV

My heart was racing fifty miles per hour. I was sweating and shivering as if I was having a fever over one hundred.

"What say you?" The Judge questioned.

This was it. In a court system, it's never wise to become cocky or overly confident. These things have a way of surprising the shit out of you no matter how well you presented the case.

"We, the jury, finds Hunter Sax guilty on attempted murder."

Everyone exhaled on cue and I found Jevan and pulled him in for a quick hug.

"Very well. Sentencing would be handed down at the next hearing in eight days. Court adjourned."

Hunter received life imprisonment without the possibility of parole so did his father for being an accessory and covering up the murder of Hunter's ex-fiancée. Two weeks later, they found Hunter's body hanging from a bed sheet in his cell.