Chapter 3

Emily's POV

"Are you shitting me?" Gen rhetorically asked as she threw herself face-down in my bed, in my hotel room, worn out from exhaustion.

"I can't believe Sebastian is a prince." I finally spoke while staring at my reflection from a wine glass. I poured myself another drink.

I was having one hell of a day. First, I had to put an abrupt end to my hotel project, then I found out my ex-boyfriend was the Prince of Conovia and I was summoned by him and his father on the rights of the land.

I down three glasses of wine. One after the other.

"At least share with me as well! I'm having a bad day too!" Gen called and snatched the bottle out my hand.

"No! Give it here Gen! Give it here!" I squealed and a competition to tug-of-war broke out.

A sudden knock came at the door, putting an end to the battle of the wine. I got off the bed, straightened my clothes and opened the door slightly to reveal one of the hotel's receptionist.

"I'm sorry to disturb, Miss. Hollen, but there's someone here to see you."

"Who?" I wasn't expecting any visitors.

"You would have to see for yourself ma'am."

I heaved a sigh and looked down at myself. I still looked?lit?from this morning. I followed her into the lobby and my bottom jaw dropped when I saw who it was.

What is he doing here?

How he knew where to find me?

And I thought he said he had to be at a meeting.

I composed myself like if he had no effect on me what so ever.

"Sebastian." I began.

Two men, dressed in black, stood with folded arms behind him so he approached me.

"Emily." He stood directly in front of me, so close that I could feel his breaths fanning the tip of my nose.

I took one step back. "How can I help you?"

"Let's have dinner tonight so I could explain some things to you and I could apologize for treating you like an object earlier today."

Little butterflies formed in my stomach.

"You're asking me out on a date?" I asked.

"No! It... um... doesn't need a title. Let's just look at it as two friends having a meal after nearly ten years."

The butterflies faded away. My face fell and there was a?pang?at my beating heart. "Okay. I accept."

"Great. Be ready at eight."

I watched as he walked away. It was just something that satisfied yet taunt me to watch his figure.

"Em, what did he say?"

I leaped out from my trance and narrowed my eyes at my best friend.

"He wants to do dinner." I answered and a smile crept on to my lips.

"Dinner sounds amazing. Let's pick out an outfit. Where are you having dinner with him? A restaurant or at the Palace? What are you gonna wear? Red or white or both?"

Gen was asking questions after questions and I ignored every single one of them.

I went back to my hotel room and stopped Gen at the door. "Gen, you know we're not roommates, right? And you've got your own hotel room, across from mine?"

"Yeah I know... but I want to see you get dress Emily."

"No. I can handle getting myself ready. You, just go back to your room and cool out."

She lowered her head and step out of the door. I closed the door quietly after her and went into the closet.

At Seven, I got out of the shower, towel-off my tan skin and blow dried my hair. I applied lotion and before putting on my underwear.

I debated on whether I should wear a white dress or the black one. Black was my signature color, something I think I took from my mother.

And white... well it complimented my skin tone.

I tried them both.

At the end, I settled for the black dress.

While I was adding my finishing touches, the phone rang. I picked up the receiver.

"Good evening Miss. Hollen, your..."

"I'll be right down... I'm almost out the door." I spoke to the receptionist with knowing what it was she wanted to say.

"Certainly ma'am."

I hung up and busily spayed on my perfume. I rushed out the door next and bumped into Gen.

"Jesus! Gen! Why are you standing outside my door?"

"Because I wanted to wish you good luck before you leave and I wanted to give you this." She put a bracelet with a gem in the center of it onto my wrist. "For good luck." She finished.

"Thanks Gen." I pulled her in for a tight hug. "You're such an amazing person and friend."

"Go get him?tiger."

We shared a laugh before I went towards the elevator.

A limousine awaited at the hotel's entrance. I got in and sat down, expecting to see Sebastian but the seats were empty.

Where's him?

I dare didn't bother to disturb the driver with any of my questions. The limo pulled off the entrance and smoothly drove onwards.

I gazed at my wrist watch, it showed 8:15 P. M. Fifteen minutes later, the driving came to a halt.

The door opened and I got out.

The wind instantly met my skin, the stars were voided from the night sky by thick clouds and the moon looked like it needed charging.

Nontheless, I was looking forward to seeing his face. I walked down a paved path and walked into a unique building that resembled a private restaurant.

"Miss. Hollen, I presume." A waiter with a cheerful smile greeted me as I entered.

"Yes." I answered short.

"Right this way." He led me to the only table and of course, Sebastian was there, reading from a menu. His eyes traveled to me as I sat down opposite from him.


"Hi." He answered before setting the menu on the table. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, and you look handsome."

It was true. The Sebastian back at high school compared to the Sebastian sitting across from me, I would take the current version any day. He appeared more muscular, more manly, more handsome and more of everything in the right proportion.

"How have you been Emily?"

I smiled. "You mean over the last ten years... or?"

"If that's where you wish to start."

"I've been great Sebastian. I graduated top of my classes and I took over my family's business of world wide hotels. I've been doing that ever since."

"Amazing. And how's your brother?"

"Which one?"

"The one who almost killed me over nothing."

I laughed awkwardly as the flashbacks came. Evan pounded Sebastian silly when he saw me crying in the halls.

"I'm so sorry about that Sebastian. Evan had always been over protective of us and he got..."

"Hey, it's okay. I guess I deserved that for being such an idiot and I was an even bigger idiot when I let you go."

I couldn't believe he just said that. My smile brightened and so did his.

"Excuse me Sir, Ma'am, are you ready to order?" The waiter interrupted kindly.

Sebastian and I ordered and continued our conversation.

"So tell me, why you hid who you really were?" I asked.

"In truth, I didn't know who I was. Mother took me away when I was only three and moved to America for a normal life. I guess things were hard for her too and she didn't want me to have to go through something like that but when she died, it rose a red flag. Father eventually found me and took me back here right after high school."

"So how do you feel about being a Prince now?"

"Actually, I'm about to take the reigns from my father and become King."

My eyes widened. "Congratulations. When will you be King though?"

"As soon as I find myself a wife."