Chapter 7

Emily's POV

"He's getting MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE?" Gen asked, her last words ringing out.

We were back at the hotel, in my bedroom, and I was sobbing like a child who didn't get their way at something. Gen came over and wrapped her arms around me.

"It's going to be okay Em."

"H-How?" I cried.

"Maybe... maybe he wouldn't get married... maybe he'll put you first and call off the wedding."

"I don't think he'll do that Gen. His responsibility isn't to me anymore. It's to his father and his country. He won't give up the throne for me."

I sat up and stared out the window facing the now pitch dark ocean. I felt hurt but I had no reason to be angry at Sebastian for the way I was feeling. We were just rekindling a bond that had been broken almost ten years ago. I had no say in his life and his choices.

My phone rang. I answered without looking at the screen. His voice spoke.

"Why did you ran off Emily? You didn't even give me a chance to explain things to you."