Chapter 34

Emily's POV

"Naomi. Put. Down. My. Son." I told her when she started rocking Christian back and forth in her arms. My blood came to a boil but I quickly put a robe on and threw my bath towel to the side.

"This should have been my child, my child with Sebastian. Not Yours!" Her voice grew louder and Christian started crying.

"Naomi, just put him back in his crib, he has nothing to do with anything. He's a baby! Are you crazy? We can get you the help that you need."

"Don't you psychoanalyze me! I'm not crazy!"

"Okay." I told her as I put my hands up to look defeated and made small steps towards her. She was distracted by Christian's crying and was humming a song to make him stop as she continued to rock him in her nasty arms.

I reached her and she handed him over to me without another word. Her facial expression was blanked and she appeared to be distraught. I rested Christian back into his crib and when I turned around to face Naomi again, she was holding a knife.