
Chapter 4

Amelia's POV

I walked out of my building seeing the car parked out front. I smiled greeting Mr. Persons driver George as he opened my door. I stepped in to see Mr. Persons on a call, since he said it was casual I wore a pair of red converse, black jeans and a matching red top with a gold necklace around my neck to bring the outfit life. It was odd seeing Mr. Persons in casual wear but I wasn't complaining the black shirt he was wearing defined his body better than any suit did. He ended the call placing his phone in his jeans pocket turning to me.

"You look beautiful Amelia." I don't ever think I will get use to the way he says my name.

"Thank you... Xavier." At the mention of his name he smiles and it's so contagious I couldn't help but smile too my tense body now relaxing.

"Where are we going?" I asked him curiously.

"It's a surprise when we a close I will need you to wear a blindfold." He said I was about to reply when his phone began to ring, he excused himself apologizing answering the call. I nodded looking outside trying to find any clue as to where we were going. I felt a hand on my knee and I looked over to see it belong to Mr. Persons who was oblivious to my stare. His thumb rubbing against my skin my body weirdly reacting to his touch. After a couple minutes he ends the call the tension between us rising but I couldn't quite decipher if it was awkward or sexual.

He removed his hand and I silently thanked God knowing I was getting more and more turned on as the minutes passed and his hand was only on my knee. What the fuck was wrong with me.

"Amelia." He called out and I looked over to him to see a blindfold in his hand, he leans forward tying it over my eyes. After a couple minutes we make it to the where ever we are suppose to go, along the way I remember slight things like the fact we took an elevator. I heard another door open as Xavier continues to speak to a man I feel the cold night breeze against me as I step outside and I shiver as Xavier dismisses the man. I feel a jacket over me and before I can thank Xavier he says.

"You're welcome." I smile and soon I'm helped into some weird vehicle and he buckles me in and before you know it he is beside me.

"Remove your blindfold." He said and I did my heart stopping at the sight before me panic taking over as I realize that we were in a helicopter on top of a roof.

"Xavier can we-"

"Relax." He says getting me ready and secure for the ride. But I can do everything else but relax what if we crash, oh God my poor heart she can't handle this, I haven't even spoken to my parents since last week.

"Hey you're going to be fine I'm right here Amelia, I won't let anything happen to you I promise." He says and it calMs. me slightly but then I remember how high up we're going to be and my body says fuck it.

"Do you trust me?" He asks and I realized that I weirdly do so I nod confused with myself.

"Words Amelia."

"Yes Xavier." And with that he starts speaking helicopter in his headset and we are off in the air.

"I've been flying since I was 18 don't worry." He told me and I closed my eyes leaning back, I felt his hand on my thigh and I opened my eyes looking at him.

"Look." He ordered and I did, and it was beautiful the city below us, the lights shinning brightly I smiled hearing Xavier chuckle after a couple minutes of me just looking below us amazed in comfortable silence Xavier speaks.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes I am." I replied and he smiled, after some minutes we are on top of another building he got out before removing me. His hand moves around my waist leading me downstairs into a restaurant, a man immediately walks towards us leading us towards a rather private table and we sit. Xavier asks the man to give us a couple minutes to decide and he nods walking off.

I pick up the menu not really knowing what is good here I ask Xavier to order for me. He calls for the waiter after Xavier orders the man leaves and silence falls between us. I catch my reflection in a spoon and my eyes go wide I mentally Pat myself on my back for bringing a hair tie. I grab it from my back pocket pulling my hair up when I feel Xavier's eyes on me.

"Xavier don't you admit that it's quite unruly after the ride?" I asked and he stood up walking over to me. He holds out his hands and I sigh handing him the hair tie, he bends slightly pulling my hair in a high ponytail wrapping the hair tie around it. His hand moved to my chin making me look at him, I close my eyes the moment his lips touch my forehead silently wishing he would go lower and he did, kissing my chin. My lips part slightly as heat rushes to my core.

"What are you doing to me Amelia?" He asks and I could ask him the same fucking question but decided against it not trusting my voice. He pulls away and I open my eyes slowly looking at the man now sitting before me, my body on fire. The waiter comes with our food and we sit eating with light conversation.