Chapter 6 The kiss

Liam's POV

I woke up and I saw Abby on my arms, damn it, I can't even remember what happened last night my head hurts like hell, I stared at her and looked on her beautiful face down to her rosy lips damn this woman made me crazy every time that I'm around her, I can't keep staring at her beautiful and gorgeous face I wish everything is real that she is mine and I'm her's but suddenly it's just a nightmare to remember

We were just inches from each other, I kissed her on her forehead and suddenly she woke up and turn her face to me, we stared for a couple of seconds and she hugged me

" Good morning, Abby "

" Good morning Liam "

" What did just happened last night, sorry but I don't remember anything "

" You were so drunk last night, I carry you up here to your room because you can't walk," she said while she is still on my arms and hugging me so tight

" I'm so sorry about last night, did I do something weird ?"

" Yes you did, you just ask me to stay by your side and you pulled me closer to you so I lose my balance and I fall on your chest, actually I fall asleep too "

" Sorry about what happened Abby "

" Does your headache? , Come on let's have some coffee so that you can get rid of your hangover " she said and pulled me off my bed

" Okay fine but carry me first," I said while laughing at her

" No way, you're so heavy "

I put my hands on her shoulder as we went out of the room to have some coffee, as we went downstairs everyone is already awake and staring at us

" The possessive is here " I heard Dean's said while hugging her girlfriend cep

" Shut up bro, I can hear you dumbass "

" Bro you lose control last night, you were bursting in anger on kied and you drink the whole bottle of whiskey last night, I feel bad about Abby she carries you up on your room because your too drunk and you can't walk on your own "

Raven said while laughing at me

" Hmm is that so? , Babe I'm so sorry "

" Its okay babe, here drink some coffee to get rid of your headache and hangover "

Abby said while giving me a cup of coffee

" Thanks, babe "

" By the way, get your luggage and we're leaving at 9 am"

" Okay, we will just take a bath and get everything done "

Cess said and smiled at raven

When everything is done and ready we went on my company with their luggage, as we walk inside the company my hands intertwined on Abby's hands, I don't care about their murmurings I only care on Abby right now I'm not so sure about what I feel for Abby, I'm just happy when she's beside me and I can't explain that feeling as I want her always close to me like no others

I told jungyeon that I will be gone for a couple of days and told her to keep everything under control when I'm gone

We went on the rooftop, the helicopter is waiting for us already

We use my helicopter so that we can arrive on time and to don't waste time on the traffic and long road

After 3 hours later we landed on Jeju island, we went on the rest house that my dad bought a few years ago, the house has a balcony and a breathtaking view of the Beach facing the rest house, we went out and ride my private yacht I can see the joy on Abby's eyes, she smiled at me and hugged me, she seems to like the island

" Thanks for bringing me here Liam "

She said as she smiled widely

" Do you like the tour? "

" Yes I enjoyed it "

She said and she hugged me tight

the time past by, after the tour with them we went back to the house to take some rest and a couple of drinks with my friends and their girls

I noticed that Abby is not around and missing so I walk upstairs to find her and I saw her at the balcony staring at the great view of the ocean, I'm at her back and held her waist, I whispered at her earlobe

" Babe, why are you here? , Why don't you join us? "

" I just want to take some fresh air "

" Are you sure you're okay? , You know what I'm staying with you here instead of listening to their annoying and silly jokes"

" Liam? "

" Yes, Abby?"

" Thank you for everything "

At that exact moment, All I can hear is the ocean breeze that time, our eyes met and I can feel the hot air coming from her breath on my face, we were just inches apart from each other to the point that we're about to kiss

My lips touch her rosy, soft, and wet lips, I kissed her in a caressed way, I can feel my heart beating so loud as I kiss her

She didn't say anything when I kiss her lips and after a few seconds my lips separated apart from hers, I feel embarrassed from what I did she must be feeling awkward from what happens to us

" Uhm, Abby I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"

I didn't finish my last word because she interrupts me as she said something to me

" It's fine, don't worry nothing will change "

" Uhm Abby I just want to say these things"

I said and I hold my breath, should I tell her what I feel? I feel anxious and I can't breathe

" Hmm? , What is it? "

" Uhm nothing, just don't mind what I said"

" Okay, come on let's go downstairs they must be waiting for us "

As she said that to me she hold my hands and pull me with her, I feel a sudden energy strike my body as she holds me, my heart beat faster and faster and my breath is painting

After we went downstairs everyone is looking at us

" Where have you been, we're been looking for you on every corner of the house "

Cep said in a worried way

" We just went on the balcony to catch some fresh air "

Abby said as our hands intertwined with each other

" Okay, so since you're here as we talked earlier about the plans for tomorrow we are thinking about having a bonfire tomorrow night and in the morning we're going to spend time swimming on the wonderful Beach so what do you think "

Raven said bringing up the idea

" Hmm sounds great okay I will tell to the caretaker to prepare some woods for the bonfire and some drinks "

I said and agreed from their plans

" So let's go now on our beds and take some rest and a nap "

Raven said

" Fine, good night everyone "

Cess said and went to their room with raven

I went to my room with Abby I guess we're sleeping together again

" Abby, are your already sleepy?" I asked her as I look into her face

" Hmm, not yet why?"

" I just want to talk to you like an open up talk and keep awake for a moment"

" Sure "

" Do you want to share something great happen to your life ?"

" Remember when we went on the Namsan tower and had dinner together? Did you know that that place is under my list to spend time and dinner on a romantic place like that, I said to my self that one day I'll have a romantic dinner with whom I love on that place "

" Really? , Did you enjoyed that night? "

"Yes I did, and it's my wish to be at that place, the one more thing that I said to my self is I want to spend a whole vacation here in Jeju island and enjoy the view and moment on the great beach "

" What ?? For real? , Everything on your wish seems to be granted "

" I don't know if it's a coincidence but I must ask you, are you a fortune-teller? "

She said laughing at me

" Nope I'm not, but maybe "

" Or are you reading my mind? "

" Nope I'm not, stop saying nonsense "

I said and I tickle her

We lose our balance and we fall on the soft and cozy bed, our eyes met again and we stared for a couple of seconds

" I want to sleep now I'm sleepy "

Abby said hugging my arms

" Are you sure? "

" Yes and I think we need to take a rest for tomorrow "

" Okay sleep well babe," I said as I kissed her forehead

" Good night Liam "

" Good night Abby "

Abby's POV

Everything seems to be fine when I'm with her, I just want to be with her always only if I could, I know that it's wrong the way my heart beats for her but I can help it, I'm so crazy for her, I love her already and I am falling out of love on her every day that past by that I'm with her, I haven't felt this kind of feeling before I met her, until now that I'm with her