But it all change, all that we used to do and we used to feel, it all started when a problem came up, Liam became cold at me and as I heard she's always going to those bar drinking all night and she didn't even mind to tell me what's the problem, she became cold-hearted and we lost our spark, so we decided to end it up, we end up everything, just like nothing happen on us but for me, it really hurts, it feels like my heart is tearing apart as I remember her name and us, our relationship that we used to have. I decided to leave the company and after that, I went abroad to find a new job

I always have regret from what happens to us, maybe we could fix everything if I fix her if I fix us, it really hurts seeing some you love lost her promise and her love like she used to gave before, after our break up weeks later, I heard some murmurings that she already found someone new, And now I'm still in pain, thinking how fast she replaces me like that, maybe we're really not meant to be.

After what happen on us I decided to settle here in New York, I work as a secretary of a famous law firm here, it's been years since we broke up but until now I still felt the same as I felt for her on the first day. we suppose to be together not like this

I work as a secretary at the law firm for almost 6 months now. and it's just great that I enjoy my stay here but I still can't stop thinking about her

"yah Abby what are you thinking, seems like you're thinking so deep this day or should we say every day?" chaeng said and jisoo nodded

After I left Korea they all went with me and actually they didn't fail as a friend and sister to me they didn't leave me behind

" its nothing, my headache just came back, I feel dizzy again," I said and I put my head on jisoo's shoulder

" hays Abby stop thinking too much if it's still about you and Liam forget about it that bitch she is a jerk, she left and cheated on you remember ?" chaeng said and she gave me some medicine

" Why don't you date dan, he seems a good guy tho," jisoo said and both of them stared at me, they seem like they know what's best for me

" I don't know jisoo maybe I need to unwind this headache, I need to leave the both of you here, I just want to take some nap " I left them alone and headed to my room, it's a bit cold here in New York because the winter is near, I take a nap to that I can rest my head and mind well

Liam's POV

It's been years since I left her, im sure she really hates me and curse me to death because of what I did, I did it because I don't want her to get hurt, what if I can't take that kind of commitment and my family wanted me to marry the heirs of Tom lands hotels, Dianne Tomland, she's a famous and rich model here in Korea soon to be the owner of a prestigious hotels company, but still, I don't want to marry someone that I don't even know, I prepare to get Abby back than marrying a stranger. It's been years since we broke up and I only have a year before I marry that woman. i still regret that I hurt Abby, all this thing happen that night

I was so drunk that night because that night my dad and mom announce my engagement to Dianne, I met Dianne at the company and she asks me to went out to have a couple of drinks, she's kind, beautiful but I still find Abby attractive than her, I don't know but she's attractive too but she's not the woman that I fell In love with

We had a couple of drink and I forgot that Abby is waiting for me that night, I told her to wait for me at my condo because I don't want her to know everything, I'm not yet ready to lost her

Throwback **

I came home drunk and wasted that night, I saw her in the living room she's just staring at me with watery eyes, it sinks in on my mind that what if she already knows everything, I felt something on my chest, hurt, guilt and I pity my self for hurting her so much. I came on her and sat across her

" Uhm…. I'm sorry I got drunk I just went on some discussion with some business partners "

" Oh really … you almost forgot I'm your girlfriend and secretary at the same time and I know all of your schedules so don't freak lie to me "

" Whatever, you always bringing up some issue like this can you please stop this shit? , honestly, I'm being tired with it so please ." I can't look directly into her eyes because of the guilt

" Liam …. I heard it, please don't lie to me, I was there before and I heard it all. the thing that you're going to be engaged to the heirs of tomland's hotels so please don't deny it to me, I know that its already fix but I don't want to lose you, but tonight you just give me a chance to persuade to end everything that we had, you're already changing you're not the same Liam that I used to love before, you already change you became cold to me and it seems like you don't like me anymore, you change and I know that it's difficult for the both of us our situation"

I felt that I broke into pieces, my heart shattered into pieces and I felt that my eyes became watery, a hot liquid flowing thru my eyes I can't help but cry

" I'm sorry …. Uhm …. I don't want to tell you that because I don't want to lose you and I can't afford to lose you but I don't want to hurt you anymore, I know it's hard for us our situation but maybe we should end this I'm so sorry Abby but maybe were not meant for each other. "

" maybe we should, you're choice I won't make it hard for you, maybe its time to let you go "

After that conversation she left an envelope and the necklace that I gave her on our anniversary, I felt so weak, I can't talk or even walk, I felt that I lost my life to live on

She left me and she never came back again. I open the envelope and it's a resignation letter and stated that she will never bother me again or she will never come back again

Its been a year and still love Abby, I hired all the best investigator at all city and places but there's no clue about her but last week we found a clue that she might be in new York the investigator had an interview with her co-corkers at a famous law firm in New York and they are right she's been working there for almost 11 months from now and now I decided to look for her at New York, I book a flight because I can't use the private jet my parents can track me if I use it, and when I arrived in New York I stayed at the private condo that I bought last week, I talked with the investigator and they told me the details of everything, her house and all the photos that they took when she's out with Jisoo and chaeng, they also left so I don't have enough access to find her

I carefully look at the picture and she still the same Abby that I've loved before. I missed her

But one thing caught my attention, she's with a tall man and with a good looking face, they seem so sweet in the picture, I felt that something inside my chest is going to burst

" When did you get this photo? and where ?" I said to the private investigator and I throw him the photo

" last month ma'am, I took it at the mall around here in New York, and they are always together " I just nod and he went out because he said he still has something to fix

I laid my back at the swirling chair and I pour my self a drink, why am I hurting this much, maybe it's my karma for hurting her so much, I took a deep breath and finish the whole glass of Whiskey, a bitter and painful taste touch my senses. Im used to it already. maybe its time to fix everything that I broke