It's already Thursday and I'm still now decided on what Liam said, and why would I go with my ex on a trip, but I'm such an immature person if I told her that I don't want their because she's my ex. as soon as I get up from my bed my

** ring **

" hi " – from Liam lee

" what do you need?"

" Look outside your window, I brought you some breakfast "

" you don't have to do it, I can make my own "

" Nope, let's eat together, and by the way out flight is on this night it's a bit advance sorry I forgot to tell you "

" damn it, why didn't you tell me before I haven't packed my stuff yet "

"same but I don't need to pack maybe ill buy my clothes in Paris, im not in the mood to pack some shits "

" okay for now get loss I need to pack my things right now "

" no need honey, I already bought all that you need, just get up and let's eat together"

" errgg you're unbelievable, fine "

Called ended**

I did my everyday routine as I woke up and headed outside to eat with my crazy ex

As I went outside I saw them starring while my friends are eating with them, how Hippocrates are talking on Liam's back while they are eating now with her

" good morning babe," Liam said smiling widely

" stop teasing me I'm not in the mood now "

" Okay sorry, have some breakfast, and here are all the things that you need for tonight as we take out of town," she said pointing the paper bags on the couch

" aish, why do you need to buy all of that it's not included from what we talk about "

" nope I insist, ill be going now, I'll see you later " she winked at me

" whatever "

After she left I started packing my things and all I need on my luggage and I didn't notice that it's already afternoon as soon as I finish my things I take a bath to cool down and to take some rest for a moment before we leave.

Liam arrives at our apartment again, to pick me up

" are you ready ? " she said while leaning on her car

" I think so "

" okay if that's the case, let's find out later "

We headed to the international airport and as we arrived we went on her private jet to fly our way to France

Liam's POV

As we hop in the private jet I told the pilot to keep us safe for the flight and we had small talk, and after we finish talking I went to my seat beside Abby, as I notice she is looking at nowhere and thinking deep, I approach her and I talk to her to make her feel better

" hey is everything okay ?"

" yeah I'm fine . I'm just thinking about something "

" hey I'm just here, I got your back, and let's have fun together let's spend this weekend stress-free" I said and I gave her my sweetest smile

" thank you," she said smiling widely

" you should take a nap, it's a long way ride," I said and we both chuckle

" maybe later, I'm hungry," she said and she caressed her tummy

"okay wait for me here, I'll be back"

I went on the staff and told them to prepare something that we can eat so I waited for them to finish preparing food for us and I went back with a tray of stake and wine , as I return I saw her bright smile that made my heart pound in happiness

" so I got you some steak and wine , and if you're still hungry after this let's grab more food okay ?"

"Okay "

After we ate Abby fall asleep and I took her head on my shoulder , her state is uncomfortable for me so I want her so sleep comfy and well

It took 8 hours before we arrive in France, so I take a nap too I feel so tired because I settle some things in the company before we left New York, I also settle the surprise for Abby, because her birthday is next week

We arrive in France and it's already 7 AM morning at the airport a back Kia van fetch us on our way to the mansion I bought years ago. that should be my 2nd anniversary gift for her but things happens before our anniversary and we end up our relationship

We arrive at the mansion and all the maids prepared the house and some food for us, as we went out of the car we ate breakfast and we take a bath before we spend our day together in the city of love, Paris

" are you ready ?" I ask her while we make our way on the porch gt3

" yes I am " she cheerfully said smiling at me

" then let's go "

We first went in Côte d'Azur , The Côte d'Azur translates to "Coast of Blue," named after the mesmerizing deep blue color of the Mediterranean Sea. Also known as the French Riviera, the Côte d'Azur extends from Saint-Tropez to Menton near the border with Italy. It's a great place to spend your day , I own private yachts and as we arrive they accommodate us right away

" Wow this place is great " Abby exclaimed in excitement

" good thing you liked the place, here let me take a picture of you," I said and I grab my camera from my leather bag

" one, two, three " I click the button and I captured the most beautiful view that I've always love too

" let me see," she said and as she saw it we both giggles

We spend half of the day riding my private yachts and Enjoying the beautiful view of the town

After we ride and spend the morning at the yachts we went in Eiffel tower and we ate lunch because were so famished at this moment

" lets first take our lunch before we

" Then let's go " she jumped on joy and clung into my arms

We first went on in a coffee shop because she said she is hungry , I don't know but it made me blush when she always making those gummy smiles , she's so cute

I used my porch gt3 the red one and we arrived at the coffee shop that I'd love to go whenever I'm visiting Paris. we're eating and I had the idea to take a picture of her, she's so beautiful

She caught me taking a picture of her and she just giggles, damn I should marry her now. She looks so perfect at this picture

We take a walk in the city to enjoy the great view most of the people here are in favor of walking that riding car so I left my car at the parking lot near us

We're like a real couple now, there are others complementing us

" Look they look good together " the other group of girls said

We both smiled and went back in walking, we stopped on a great place with a beautiful structure of a building

She said that she wants to take a picture of me

" Liam give me your phone I'll take you a good shot "

" Sure, here "

"1 , 2 , 3 * click*"

" Let me see "

" Here , you look so beautiful," she said and we both giggles after we ate we take a walk at the tower and take a lot of pictures

We got tired of roaming around the city of love and we decided to went home to take a rest

We went back home to take some rest the whole tour is tiring , but it's worth it

We are now at home and accompany her to her bed room

" Uhmm , did you enjoy Abby?"

" Yes, I did... I love it "

She didn't move and didn't even blink so I went back on my room and slam the door

Gosh why does my heart beating so fast

I received a call from raven I remember that they are preparing all for tomorrow

" Yow dude what's up?"

" Liam everything is set up for Abby's birthday t, just visit it tomorrow at 7 am and by the way, the gang is here too "

" okay just settle everything and don't tell Dianne about this thing I need to stop their plan I want to marry Abby and spend my life time with her"

" Okay dude I'm on it "

After that, we take dinner together and we take a rest after wards

I went on the balcony facing the great view of the city lights, I am holding a glass of cold whiskey drinking my self to sleep and to think about everything that I've been thru

" still up ?" I heard a familiar voice from my back I turned my head to see the person that owned the familiar voice

" yep I can't sleep and it's a habit since you left , I've always starring at the night lights of the city in Korea " I said and I take a sip from my drink

The silence remain on the ambiance of the night , we both take our time staring at the city , then I remember those days that I prepared for my proposal on her , that time 2 months before she left I made a surprise here in Paris. I was going to propose to her on her birthday but we didn't make it, she left a month before her birthday.

" remember that time that we broke up, " I said opening the topic

" what ?" she asks curiously

"I was left waste that time and I hated my self for what I did," I said and she stays in silence

"Neither do I I hate that moment " we look at each other and I look away

we decided to head back take a rest but all I can think is her