The Winter Games - Part Ten

This dramatic turn of events took everyone by surprise, since manty of them were rooting for Antoinette to win this round.

As such, a lot of people were visibly upset with the situation, and rightfully so.

Antoinette then started coughing blood and asked weakly, "What?? I forfeited...after I...spared your life!"

Meorise then said angrily, "Did you really think I would travel several miles to partake in this useless tournament just to lose to the likes of you?!"

"There's no way in hell I will ever allow that!," she said and she started twisting the dagger inside Antoinette, who was writhing in agony.

Antoinette then weakly asked, "W-Why And how...did you avoid...being detected?"

Meorise then smiled gleefully and answered, "Easy! It's because of this!!," and showed a second ring on her left index finger, which had a grey cloud insignia on it.